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(5909 previous messages)
- 07:56am Nov 18, 2002 EST (#
5910 of 5919)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
U.S. Taking Steps to Lay Foundation for Action in
Careful work.
Standards are being renegotiated in the working out of
practical circumstances - now. rshow55
11/17/02 8:31pm . Things are rough - and surely very
imperfect from many points of view. But it is just possible
that things that have gone well will continue to.
If that happened, the bad things about the past that
Almarst has pointed out still couldn't be undone - but
they might be much better explained and more widely
And things might get better.
- 10:49am Nov 18, 2002 EST (#
5911 of 5919)
Hussien Iraq-BBC
- 11:49am Nov 18, 2002 EST (#
5912 of 5919)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
Everybody involved in action and judgement faces some
logical and moral problems in the Iraqi situation - and
a lot of other situations. I may be muddled about some of my
own opinions in the area - but I'm sure that I'm not
alone in that.
Is it unacceptable, is it contradictory, is it
illogical, is it ugly, for Saddam Hussien to continue as the
leader in Iraq?
I think the answer to each of these questions might be
"yes" . . . but all the same - I think we'd all be safer if we
were clearer in the real, complicated context that
actually exists about exactly why, in clear and
explainable detail.
People would not agree about the answers in every
case. But we'd all be safer if we could be clearer about
what answers could make sense to what people.
For certain very important problems of complex cooperation
and peacemaking - the logic of this situation needs to
be clarified soon.
A workable international law will depend on many things.
This is one of them.
Saddam is one clarifying example - Bill Casey would be
another. Kissenger would be another. I might be considered as
an example, as well.
I'm not advocating mercy, or any rejection of justice. But
these problems are real - and without getting clearer
about them than we are - we're stumped - and stumped seriously
enough that things will be uglier than they'd have to be
otherwise - and a lot of people may be hurt, and may die, who
might not have to otherwise.
. . . .
Speaking personally, it would be a joy for me to kill
Saddam, physically, up close - with a chance to savor doing
Don't like the guy. I'm not certain that means he can't be
an effective leader of Iraq, right now - under easily
imaginable circumstances. Not that I'm sure he could or should
be. But I'm not certain. Bush might have reasons to hesitate,
as well, if he thinks about everything involved.
- 11:59am Nov 18, 2002 EST (#
5913 of 5919)
Italy - former PM - sentenced for 'conspiracy to murder'
bbc world news
- 12:13pm Nov 18, 2002 EST (#
5914 of 5919)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
This is just one person's idea - but thinking about it
might clarify things in the minds of people who have to judge,
and make decisions on what to print - and people who have to
5836-8 rshow55
11/16/02 1:49pm
I'll be off for at least an hour.
(5 following messages)
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Missile Defense