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(5898 previous messages)
- 09:08pm Nov 17, 2002 EST (#
5899 of 5903)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
5551 rshow55
11/8/02 11:12am includes this:
U.N. Panel Vote Is Unanimous
Filed at 10:42 a.m. ET
"UNITED NATIONS (AP) -- The Security Council
unanimously approved a new Iraq resolution Friday, forcing
Saddam Hussein to disarm or face ``serious consequences''
that would almost certainly mean war.
"The vote came after eight weeks of
tumultuous negotiations and was seen as a victory for the
United States, which drafted the resolution together with
If the result is war, it will be a great human failure and
tragedy - but the consequences for the world will still be far
better than they would have been without the negotiation. If
the result is peaceful, practical disarmament - it will be a
great and historical step toward a better world.
I'm glad the vote went as it did, and that the negotiation
went as it did.
One could look at Oct 30: 5380-81 rshow55
10/30/02 11:34am Oct 31: 5409 rshow55
10/31/02 12:19pm Nov 1: 5437 rshow55
11/1/02 8:40am Nov 1: 5441-2 rshow55
11/1/02 12:23pm and some other postings, and think
that the MD forum may have been influential and useful in the
discourse about Iraq at the United Nations.
I hope so - and think that, at the least, lchic and I have
succeeded in setting out some arguments congruent with some
useful discussions that have gone on at the UN.
. . . .
International law and international patterns of conduct are
being redefined, clarified, and renegotiated. 5555 rshow55
11/8/02 5:56pm . . . 5556 rshow55
11/8/02 5:57pm and though there's still a lot to be
desired - a lot of problems - I think it is a hopeful as well
as a troubled time.
- 09:13pm Nov 17, 2002 EST (#
5900 of 5903)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
When National Security Adviser Rice wrote this, I believe
she wrote something profound and hopeful. I'm doing the best I
can to help make it true.
" Today, the international community has
the best chance since the rise of the nation-state in the
seventeenth century to build a world where great powers
compete in peace instead of continually prepare for war. . .
. . . The United States will build on these common interests
to promote global security. " "The National Security
Strategy of the United States,"
. page 2.
For that to be true - we need to make decisions based on'
correct information.
- 09:30pm Nov 17, 2002 EST (#
5901 of 5903)
11/17/02 9:13pm
"great powers compete in peace instead of continually
prepare for war" (Rice)
Sounds great. Except is seems the US is going in exactly
the opposite direction. It increases its relative military
capabilities and creates the power imbalance beiong anything
we have ever seen. It also tries to enlist NATO for a military
activities far beiong its original charter. It walkes away
from many International treaties and agreements it signed or
promoted before. It declares itself as the "ONLY" one in
posession of knowlege of what is "Right" and "Wrong". And in
having the right to impose its judgement by force.
So, in Washington's view, the future of the World is bright
as long as all other nations obey and follow. The sweet dream
of any dictatorship.
(2 following messages)
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