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(5829 previous messages)
- 12:36pm Nov 16, 2002 EST (#
5830 of 5911)
If Saddam moves out of Iraq
If Iraq is run by the Saddam clan
What then .... how does it transform to enable 'The
To make a 'social contract'
To give the people a framework - boundaries - within which
to function
- 12:43pm Nov 16, 2002 EST (#
5831 of 5911)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
Maybe it can happen - it will have to happen step by step.
- 01:04pm Nov 16, 2002 EST (#
5832 of 5911)
BUY into a piece of the Middle East
- 01:11pm Nov 16, 2002 EST (#
5833 of 5911)
GU Talk || Saddam
Saddam's Followers Will Fight to the DEATH, Right Until
They Have to Hightail It to Libya with $3.5B,,3-481908,00.html
almost funny in an awful, pathetic sort of way
BigBoots - 03:15am Nov 16, 2002 GMT (#1 of 6) Gotta
love that dry British humor:
"Hala is Saddam’s favourite. One young man who had
taken a fancy to her, the only one of his five children to
remain unmarried, was buried up to his neck and stoned to
death. She has few suitors."
- 01:28pm Nov 16, 2002 EST (#
5834 of 5911) "Quae cum ita sunt" Caesar's Gallic
Lunarchick. Do you see the irony. You've mentioned that you
have given aid to feed the starving children of Iraq. I
commend you for your charity and good works. Meanwhile, the
Saddam Social Security fund for friends and family is going to
This is similar to the reported Billions in Swiss Bank
Accounts held by Arafat while the Palestinian way of life is
maintained in a depressed state. This economic depression is
used to fester the hate which is directed against Israel.
Might this hate be better directed atainst Arafat
- 01:37pm Nov 16, 2002 EST (#
5835 of 5911)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
Iraqi army is tougher than US believes The US claims
a war against Saddam would be quick. Wrong, says analyst Toby
Dodge, the conflict could be long and bloody,2763,841232,00.html
There's plenty of reason to proceed with care - step by
step - so the people who, at some levels at least, want to
avoid a fight can do so.
The deal described in,,3-481908,00.html
says that Saddam and Udey are not included. Although there are
reasons to want to try them as war criminals - I think the
cost of that is likely to be grossly excessive - and would
advocate letting them go - to permit a peaceful transition to
Mankind's Inhumanity to Man # 357-365
starts with this:
For us to lessen inhumanity in the future -
- we have to deal with things that have happened - within
the limitations that we can actually make work - as things
I believe these postings from February 27th,
2001 - a few days before almarst was invited on the board -
are worth posting again. I appreciate the chance to do so.
(76 following messages)
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Missile Defense