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(5797 previous messages)
- 07:11pm Nov 15, 2002 EST (#
5798 of 5803)
Roman Catholic bishops in the United States issued a
statement today saying that they cannot now find a moral
justification for a pre-emptive war against Iraq because there
is no adequate evidence that Iraq is about to attack. -
- 07:24pm Nov 15, 2002 EST (#
5799 of 5803)
They have not in any case relinquished the broader
objective of deposing Saddam. They believe these twin
objectives are more likely to be met by military intervention.
For them, war remains not only inevitable but also desirable.
For that reason, they hope and expect the inspections process
will fail. -,7792,840275,00.html
- 07:27pm Nov 15, 2002 EST (#
5800 of 5803)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
With sensible, responsible performance - it shouldn't
5376-79 rshow55
10/29/02 9:05pm
U.N. Official Expects Early Inspections of Iraqi
"WASHINGTON, Nov. 15 — As he prepared to
depart for Baghdad, the top United Nations weapons inspector
for Iraq, Hans Blix, said that his team will commence its
first inspections of suspected weapons sites by Nov. 27,
which is 10 days earlier than expected. "
Truth and hope:
5307 rshow55
11/13/02 6:57am
4366 rshow55
9/18/02 9:26am ... 4366 rshow55
9/18/02 9:26am 4366 rshow55
9/18/02 9:26am ... 4366 rshow55
9/18/02 9:26am
I wonder how tired and stressed the Iraqi leadership is,
and how tired and stressed the people in other nations
interacting with them are. There is time for the leaders
involved to get rested - check their own judgement and comfort
- - so that they can make good decisions. I've tried, with
lchic , to provide options consistent with peace, the
welfare of Iraq, and the needs of people of good will - - and
some of what has been posted might make more sense, if
responsible people reread it, a second time, after more rest.
5576 rshow55
11/10/02 5:48pm includes this:
In very complex systems, patterns of solutions that exist
and seem at all satisfactory, within a system of constraints,
are likely to be few or unique. And often easy for people to
think about and focus on in ways where they all agree. If they
do enough talking and crosschecking. Views converge. People
may "connect the dots" differently from particular viewpoints
- but when things are considered in detail, from many
different angles, with everything that matters considered -
differences tend to iron out - if not about feelings, at least
about facts. And to an important degree, about feelings, too.
That makes considering real complexities not just daunting,
but hopeful. It can find solutions that actually work, and
that meet all the valid needs of everyone involved.
It seems to me that if Iraq, supported by other nations,
finds ways to fully and convincingly cooperate with what the
UN resolution asks - and lives up to its own words -- Iraq
will have played a major part in working out some problems for
the whole world. And can and should do so in ways that are
graceful and honorable. Ways that preserve and augment Iraqi
interests in Iraqi terms. And that serve the interests of the
whole Arab world. It looks possible.
It will help if people are rested enough to make reasonable
decisions. And check not only facts - but their own
fatigue and stress level - so that they can make good
judgements. Out.
- 07:30pm Nov 15, 2002 EST (#
5801 of 5803)
America's hawks are obsessive in their pursuit of war -,5673,839622,00.html
(2 following messages)
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