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(5653 previous messages)
- 10:00am Nov 12, 2002 EST (#
5654 of 5671)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
Thank God, things are "a little bit more complicated thant
that" here.
Complicated enough to admit of some solutions.
Some excellent solutions this time - if we're
willing to do the work to accomodate distrust in humanly
practical ways.
Absolute power may corrupt absolutely - but the US does
not have absolute power - and a lot of Americans -
including George Bush and his advisors - actually know it. For
all they sometimes bluster.
- 10:04am Nov 12, 2002 EST (#
5655 of 5671)
A very good site -
- 10:10am Nov 12, 2002 EST (#
5656 of 5671)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
I'll look.
Iraq Parliament Rejects U.N. Call, Leaving Decision to
"The vote came after foreign ministers of
the Arab League, meeting in Cairo on Sunday, said accepting
the inspections was the best way to avoid yet another war in
the region.
"It also followed a recommendation by Mr.
Hussein's son, Odai, an influential figure in Iraq, for
acceptance of the resolution, but with the condition that
inspection teams have Arab members.
"In Washington, the White House today
dismissed the rejection as mere "political theater" and said
it awaited Baghdad's official response.
Theater can be important - and the actions of Parliament
look important to me - they tell the world that Saddam
does have some significantly solid support - the idea
that the Iraqi nation will defect to United States forces in
the event of war is a dangerous myth.
All the same, I hope Odai's recommendation is the one
followed - with everything possible done to make the
inspections work in the reasonable interest of
the Iraqi people.
That could, and should, be in Saddam's interest, too. And
the world's interest. Including Russia's interests. And the
interests of the United States, as well.
- 10:16am Nov 12, 2002 EST (#
5657 of 5671)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
11/12/02 10:04am - - it does look like a very good
Almarst , Lchic and I did a lot of talking
about problems with press distortion - much connected to a
book titled "News and the Culture of Lying."
For a lot of things, we need to find ways to lie
less - - and to check, to clean things up - when it matters
enough. It's a matter of life and death.
Here's a good poem about something that has gone on too
long, too widely - that has degraded discourse all over the
(14 following messages)
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Missile Defense