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(5640 previous messages)
- 09:36pm Nov 11, 2002 EST (#
5641 of 5651)
Oil came in as the new gold with the automobile engine ...
Oil has skewed the economy of Iraq
People have been denied the chance to develop their country
logically and have a full say in their own 'now', own history,
own progress.
The challenge for Iraq is to integrate the people into a
REAL democracy.
Were Saddam a GREAT LEADER - then he would put in the
succession framework that would enable the people to move on
with power and assurity and be successful.
Too often a poor manager will look around to pass on
'blame' ... rather than look to truth and the true reasons to
explain a current environment.
Looking to skewed philosophy, looking for 'others' to blame
.... doesn't stand the test of time, doen't set the people up
for success.
If Saddam had a Nation with much good provision, then why
can't he see a route through the maze, through the Labarynth
towards a more ideal future?
Perhaps he had GOOD advisors ... perhaps he used to
consider ... perhaps he too suffers from the Arrogance of
absolute power.
All power corrupts -
Quotes on power ...
- 09:36pm Nov 11, 2002 EST (#
5642 of 5651)
11/11/02 9:27pm
It's not up to Iraqis to chose life or death, peace or war.
Its all in hands of US. No matter what Iraq does or does not
do. One must be very naive to believe otherwise. The smell of
oil is too strong to resist.
- 09:40pm Nov 11, 2002 EST (#
5643 of 5651)
If all the NON-OIL nations got together and moved towards
ENERGY from non-oil sources ....
Alternative Energy is making headway Then it would be
possible to 'rip' the wings off some butterflies and make them
- 09:42pm Nov 11, 2002 EST (#
5644 of 5651)
"Were Saddam a GREAT LEADER..."
I wonder why one have to be a great leader to avoid being
robbed or killed by a bully looking for an pray?
Surely war can be avoided if Iraq invides the US to rule
the country and own its oil. And convert the Iraq to the
springboard of agression against the rest of ME.
That's the price.
- 09:44pm Nov 11, 2002 EST (#
5645 of 5651)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
Almarst - - if weapons inspections go through - and
there is no war - then you'll be shown wrong about that
- won't you?
You say I'm being naive. I think you're being - in C.P.
Snow's phrase "cynical and unworldly."
But I feel strongly about this. Either international law
is being renegotiated now - or it is being negated.
It better be the former. Almarst , it would be a
tragedy for everything we both hold dear if people with power
and responsibility opt for the latter. And it will be a
victory for the forces in the United States that concern us
both most.
Choices made matter - - and the advantages, right
now - are radically on the side of getting the weapons
inspections to work.
And Iraq did agree to disarm - and they say that
they have.
They should do so.
- 09:47pm Nov 11, 2002 EST (#
5646 of 5651)
""How happy is he, born or taught, that serveth not
another's will, Whose armor is his honest
thought, and simple truth his utmost skill.
Sir H. Wotton
- 09:49pm Nov 11, 2002 EST (#
5647 of 5651)
"if weapons inspections go through - and there is no war
You think I am cynical? Remember Munich? Just let them have
this small insignificant Chechoslovakia and the Great World
Piece will be saved?
(4 following messages)
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