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(5584 previous messages)
- 01:07pm Nov 11, 2002 EST (#
5585 of 5586)
China - level of unemployment in urban areas is
admitted to be 'double' that previously stated ..... names
still 'listed' with former employers as 'employed'.
fudging figures
- 01:54pm Nov 11, 2002 EST (#
5586 of 5586) Can we do a better job of finding truth?
YES. Click "rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and
worked for on this thread.
If, after so much effort to avert war - this is the final
answer - the current Iraqi regime is doomed - and deserves to
Lawmakers in Baghdad Meet on Response to U.N.
Resolution By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Filed at 12:08 p.m. ET
BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) -- A top lawmaker told an
emergency session of Parliament Monday that the Iraqi
leadership should reject a tough, new U.N. resolution
governing weapons inspections.
``The committee advises ... the rejection of
Security Council Resolution 1441 and to not agree to it,''
Salim al-Koubaisi, head of the foreign relations committee,
told lawmakers in the rubber-stamp Parliament.
Few in the world consider that committee advice independent
of Saddam.
I hope the Iraqi government reconsiders. Other responses,
for example Iraq States Its Case by MOHAMMED ALDOURI
have been more sensible. That passage says "you don't have
to trust us - - you can check us." Now, people should be
able to.
I hope the Iraqi government reconsiders.
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