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Technology has always found its greatest consumer in a
nation's war and defense efforts. Since the last attempts at a
"Star Wars" defense system, has technology changed
considerably enough to make the latest Missile Defense
initiatives more successful? Can such an application of
science be successful? Is a militarized space inevitable,
necessary or impossible?
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(5547 previous messages)
- 10:00am Nov 8, 2002 EST (#
5548 of 5551)
Humanism, Religions, philosophy ... mostly think it a good
idea to have thoughts for others.
are in power positions that can 'make' the
difference can set-up all people to help themselves
Raising standards would lead to an increased demand
for technical goods and services with
two-way/multi-way trade
- 10:45am Nov 8, 2002 EST (#
5549 of 5551)
brain - illusion - moon
"Finally I said, 'why don't we just measure it?' There must
be a way we can make an experimental measurement of what the
brain is doing as opposed to what people are concluding," he
Ponzo illusion
...... The brain uses a variety of different cues to give
meaning to the size of objects -- to keep small objects
looking small even if they are nearby, and large objects
staying large even if they are far away.
The perceptual system encounters difficulty with celestial
objects, though.
"At those vast distances, you can't get an accurate
perception of distance," Kaufman continued. "The moon is
240,000 miles away and it's 4,000 miles across, and it doesn't
look like its 4,000 miles across."
At the horizon, details in the foreground allow the brain
to determine -- even if it can't tell exactly -- that the moon
is, at least, very far away. "If you were to look toward an
elevated moon where there are less salient cues to the
distance to the moon, you locate it at a closer distance and
therefore it is perceived as being smaller," he said.
- 11:00am Nov 8, 2002 EST (#
5550 of 5551)
- 11:12am Nov 8, 2002 EST (#
5551 of 5551)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
U.N. Panel Vote Is Unanimous By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
Filed at 10:42 a.m. ET
UNITED NATIONS (AP) -- The Security Council
unanimously approved a new Iraq resolution Friday, forcing
Saddam Hussein to disarm or face ``serious consequences''
that would almost certainly mean war.
The vote came after eight weeks of
tumultuous negotiations and was seen as a victory for the
United States, which drafted the resolution together with
If the result is war, it will be a great human failure and
tragedy - but the consequences for the world will still be far
better than they would have been without the negotiation. If
the result is peaceful, practical disarmament - it will be a
great and historical step toward a better world.
I'm glad the vote went as it did, and that the negotiation
went as it did.
One could look at Oct 30: 5380-81 rshow55
10/30/02 11:34am Oct 31: 5409 rshow55
10/31/02 12:19pm Nov 1: 5437 rshow55
11/1/02 8:40am Nov 1: 5441 rshow55
11/1/02 12:23pm Nov 1: 5442 lchic
11/1/02 2:06pm and some other postings, and think that
the MD forum may have been influential and useful in the
discourse about Iraq at the United Nations.
I hope so - and think that, at the least, lchic and
I have succeeded in setting out some arguments congruent with
some useful discussions that have gone on at the UN.
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