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(5494 previous messages)
- 06:59pm Nov 5, 2002 EST (#
5495 of 5501)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
He's more important than she.
There's a quote from Einstein - who may have been one of
the first 1000 people to have the thought-- that goes:
"Explanations should be as simple as
possible -- but no simpler . . .
That goes for solutions, too.
Fred's an excellent lawyer - and we could, I think, come up
with fine solutions that were just as simple as possible --
and beautiful in their way.
Whether or not the government owes me money is
debatable - though I think they do. It is much less
debatable that they owe Fred money - with accrued interest. At
a rate we'd have to negotiate.
Commondata - The disk isn't as sexy as you'd like - but it
is better. I'll send you a copy I happen to have handy,
- 07:28pm Nov 5, 2002 EST (#
5496 of 5501)
Enstein always gets far too much credit. William of Occam,
the 14th century logician and Franciscan friar thought
"Pluralitas non est ponenda sine neccesitate" which, as
Mazza will tell you, means "Entities should not be
multiplied unnecessarily." That was a full six centuries
before "Explanations should be as simple as possible"
and after epochs of its unconcious use.
I'm looking forward to the disk - and let us know how it
goes with Fred!
- 07:42pm Nov 5, 2002 EST (#
5497 of 5501)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
We'll see how it goes. One way or another, gisterme
may have to deal with me - under circumstances where real
names are used. Anyway, that's my guess.
I'm going to eat, and watch election returns, but I feel
like posting these:
. Playing Know And Tell by JOHN
. Debuting: One Spy, Unshaken By
Sometimes it feels like these excellent pieces have
something to do with me.
Playing Know and Tell ends with this word:
" Listen "
Sometimes, it seems to me that people are. I hope so.
7/17/02 12:29pm ... rshow55
7/10/02 6:21am rshow55
6/30/02 9:26am ... rshow55
6/29/02 7:18pm rshow55
6/25/02 12:07pm ... rshowalt
7/26/02 6:15pm
The things I know, that I am telling, serve the real
national interest of the United States of America , and
getting them clear is in the interest of all decent people,
all over the world.
- 09:44pm Nov 5, 2002 EST (#
5498 of 5501) ~~~~ It got understood and exposed
So how did the weak-kneed, apathetic, no-policy, bash-Iraq,
tut-tut-NKorea, flagging economy, more of the same, no one of
'difference', no votes for the disenfranchised, etc USA
Mid-Terms actually 'go' ... more of the same, swings,
indifference, life as usual .... if only there was a big GREEN
party to go for .... so it's back to Chad&Dimple counts -
is it?
If that guy in Iraq gets 100% ... what's to say those same
ballot boxes aren't universal!
(3 following messages)
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Missile Defense