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(5450 previous messages)
- 04:06pm Nov 4, 2002 EST (#
5451 of 5457)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
I'm not ready with much - though I do see some things that
look promising. But this much ought to be clear. Peacemaking,
after a longstanding mess - is complicated in a good many
It makes sense to ask - could the human groups involved
cooperate at the level of complexity required about
I think the answer, right now, is clearly no - and it is
worthwhile thinking about how that answer might be changed to
"yes" - about something practical, and important to the groups
I'm "war gaming" the notion that, in ways that matter, the
Koreas, China, and perhaps some SE Asian countries and Taiwan
should get together and "attack" Japan. Not in the starkest
military sense - but in ways that would matter.
Just an idea - but it is something that the nations
involved might agree on - in ways that matter.
And it would be a complicated enough task that if before it
were done, or even well planned - a lot of lines of
communication and cooperation would come into being.
Maybe even enough to sort out the military standoff.
Ideally, Japan might be coerced into coming up with the
money and resources needed to sort out some of N. Korea's
economic problems. Better them than us, after all.
Back within two hours.
- 04:12pm Nov 4, 2002 EST (#
5452 of 5457)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
Rape Camp
by Dawn Riley
- 05:52pm Nov 4, 2002 EST (#
5453 of 5457)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
Postings originally from this thread, that have been
reposted on the Guardian-Talk thread Mankind's Inhumanity
to Man and Woman - As natural as human goodness? . .
(links work)
I'm wishing, as I often do, that my old friend and partner
Stephen Jay Kline were still alive. Steve and I worked
together on two things - some math, and the logic of complex,
and especially socio-technical systems. The part on
sociotechnical systems is in large part written in Steve's
..... Stanford University Press , 1995 I'm going
through some things I hope President Putin knows, in that
Steve wrote me a recommendation letter, that includes some
things helicopter designers and other technical people ought
to know, in
and I gave a eulogy of Steve in his memorial service in
Stanford Chapel that a lot of people liked.
I wish I could talk to Steve now, and ask
" What could we tell Putin, that might help him do
his job - a job that he has to do well, in the interest of
the world? " I can imagine some of the things Steve
might say, and warn me to check, and I'm taking a little time
to think about them.
rshowalter - 05:31pm Mar 17, 2001 EST (#1128
When we apply SIMPLE models of structure to circumstances
that have a more complicated structure than we are thinking
of, we can get into trouble.
We can fail to see how thing work.
And we can be misled by thinking we see "contradictions"
where there are no logical contradictions -- though there may
be aesthetic or moral tensions.
A complex system can be two "contradictory" things at the
same time -- in different places within the larger structure
-- without contradiction.
Bertrand Russell got caught up with this one -- but for
complicated circumstances, and for dealing with complicated
histories, it is an essential thing to know.
It you know it -- solutions that seem "classified out of
existence" are seen, and these solutions can be real.
Some moral points can get clarified, too.
(4 following messages)
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Missile Defense