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(5432 previous messages)
- 07:53am Nov 1, 2002 EST (#
5433 of 5440) ~~~~ It got understood and exposed
Aesthetic design is fundamentally different from
advances in technical or functional design such as a
better automobile engine. Its impact on consumer behaviour
involves what has been called "the best looking thing that
works" (Cwi, 198b). If a consumer dote not like the way, a
product looks, he or she may not even try it. Similarly, a
rich endowment of natural resources does not guarantee a
national can effectively develop up-scale value-added
products, e.g., Canada is the largest timber-producing country
in the world and yet imports Swedish IKEA furniture. This is
not because Swedish pine is better but rather due to superior
The growing importance of aesthetic design results from
four fundamental demographic changes: rapid urbanization, the
rising levels of general education, the increasing
participation of women in the economic and political process,
and the aging of the population (Chartrand, 1987c1. It
concerns four ill-perceived but increasingly important
dimensions of economic competitiveness: advertising, consumer
hedonics (Holbrook, 1987), the emerging narrowcast
marketplace, and improved product design (Chartrand, 1987d).
While the impact of improved aesthetic design has not been
quantified, its impact on economic competitiveness has been
There is, then, another aspect to culture,
namely good taste, good design and creative innovation, that
should enable smaller industrial economies to compete
effectively in the world economy... In this endeavour,
higher quality implies an organic relationship between
business and engineering on the one hand, and design and
craftsmanship, on the other ... High quality products,
technologies, plants, homes, cities and locales require the
presence of creative artists of all kinds. To increase
long-run supply of artists... governments must support the
artists and the arts. The long-term return from investment
in artists and the arts is real and substantial. In the
absence of strong public support of this sector, Canada will
not read these benefits. Governments at all levels should
increase their contribution to their respective councils
(Royal Commission, 1985:115-16).
- 07:58am Nov 1, 2002 EST (#
5434 of 5440) ~~~~ It got understood and exposed
In an era when 10% of the world's population, using
technology, can meet the basic wants and needs of the enire
population ....
there is the 'problem' of how to gainfully employ the
remaining 90%
considerations and approaches can create goods and
service that meet individual needs
The designer, the artist, the craftsman, the tailoring of
program to meet individual preference - is the key to gainful
employment along with poverty reduction
- 08:05am Nov 1, 2002 EST (#
5435 of 5440) ~~~~ It got understood and exposed
RU Duma - passes legislation to hide truth
In future no names info tactics
- 08:12am Nov 1, 2002 EST (#
5436 of 5440)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
We need redemptive solutions - to situations where there
have been terrible injustices - and terrible mistakes.
Questions of aesthetics are central.
(And I think Lchic is beautiful !
For us to lessen inhumanity in the future - - we have to
deal with things that have happened - within the limitations
that we can actually make work - as things are.
I believe these postings from this board on February 27th,
2001 - a few days before almarst was invited on the board -
are worth posting again. I appreciate the chance the
Guardian-Observer gave me to do so.
As the Webster appointment demonstrates again, and as the
missile defense boondoggle-fraud shows again and again - we
have a lot to sort out.
And on some things, it seems to me, we've made a good
start. For me, this will be a busy, hopeful day. Lchic's
postings are important and beautiful !
(4 following messages)
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Missile Defense