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Technology has always found its greatest consumer in a
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(5356 previous messages)
- 06:16pm Oct 28, 2002 EST (#
5357 of 5358)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
Gisterme , for you to take the position you take in
10/28/02 3:28pm , after so much time, and so many postings
establishing working conventions on this forum - -you have to
have thought a long time.
You've made many postings according to the conventions -
stated and unstated - of this thread. You've worked hard on it
since May 2, 20001 - - - here are references and links to 700
of your postings prior to June 17th, 2002.
6/17/02 7:09am ... rshow55
6/17/02 7:09am rshow55
6/17/02 7:11am ... rshow55
6/17/02 7:12am rshow55
6/17/02 7:12am ... rshow55
6/17/02 7:13am rshow55
6/17/02 7:14am ... rshow55
6/17/02 7:14am rshow55
6/17/02 7:14am ... rshow55
6/17/02 7:15am rshow55
6/17/02 7:16am ... rshow55
6/17/02 7:16am rshow55
6/17/02 7:17am ... rshow55
6/17/02 7:18am rshow55
6/17/02 7:18am ... rshow55
6/17/02 7:19am rshow55
6/17/02 7:20am ...
There have been many since.
I'm not mystified, exactly, but amazed. The dialog on this
forum has had much to do with missile defense - and my
postings do as well - but the discussion has ranged much
farther afield - with a great deal of effort on your
part, as well as mine.
You asked a while back how I came to be that slow -
- - well the answer is that I'm trying to do things Bill Casey
would approve of - doing my little bit to get the United
States out of a dangerous mess, as gracefully as I can.
This thread isn't a court of law - but discussions about
courts of law repeat here frequently - - because a major
purpose of this thread - which I've been explicit about, and
you've known about, is analogous to pretrial discovery
(1 following message)
New York Times on the Web Forums
Missile Defense