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(5319 previous messages)
- 01:38am Oct 28, 2002 EST (#
5320 of 5341) ~~~~ It got understood and exposed
A matter to consider is how to tranform the thinking of
individuals, entities, nations and sectors
from negative dead end stances
to positive positions
Former combatants can't all be exterminated - they have to
move to new postures that are workable.
- 01:50am Oct 28, 2002 EST (#
5321 of 5341) ~~~~ It got understood and exposed
The Moscow Theatre situation was laced catch-22 surrealism
.... there was no end-game ... not unless Putin moved to
which he didn't.
His next move - won't be to decimate Chechans - he's done
it - the move is now to obliterate them!
At what point does the world speak-up and say
Showalter mentioned the communication model see graphic of
shared space
shared space shared understandings shared
culture shared interests shared opportunities
shared futures shared prosperity
... Showalter says, isn't having to LOVE the enemy, rather
respect them. So, trying to move forward can negotiators see
common ground, common respect, and appreciate common goals
that via acceptable changes lead to a positive future?!
- 02:04am Oct 28, 2002 EST (#
5322 of 5341) ~~~~ It got understood and exposed
Showalter's last posting :
rshow55 - 08:18pm Oct 27, 2002 EST (# 5310 of 5321)
10/27/02 8:18pm
communication model shared space
putting yourself into the situation of another Lyric
says 'I've look at love/life from both sides now'
The important thing is to stop seeing people as
numbers roaches others targets
unchanging as insolvable problem Rather to see
the how alike the people of the world are
ambitions chances aims goals visions Maslow
model needs desires for their next generation desire
for a better future So why doesn't everyone in the world
think like .... say Gisterme
People live in varied environments Some under
decades of injustice Some under fear Some can't see
a workable solution to the 'fix' they/region are in They
have expectations that those with the way-withall ...
the richer nations ... should offer leadership
There's a need to understand where everybody is at - NOW
There's a need to appreciate where they can be - with the
right assistance and help
There's a need to 'straighten out' the dead-end thinking
process that litters fundamentalism(s)
- 03:12am Oct 28, 2002 EST (#
5323 of 5341) ~~~~ It got understood and exposed
A rePost from Science-in-the-News
""If Russia was rewarded with a bloodbath when 'it
allowed' Chechans autonomy
lchic - .... then therein lies an opportunity for
expanded explanations ---- suffice to note that a
rundown-scrapper-auto can't get up and 'run' without
investment in auto-infrastructure and the training of driver -
the same would apply to a small country.
It's not possible to go from nothing&nowhere to
something&somewhere without an infusion of economic
MIndwise to move from 'enemy' to 'friend' is a journey of
- 04:19am Oct 28, 2002 EST (#
5324 of 5341) Earth vs <^> <^>
10/26/02 9:58am
When you're talking about Korea or Iraq or any dictatorship
you are REALLY talking about the "man" who's in charge. Guys
like George Bush have "feelings" for all those demonstrations
in the streets. He can be swayed by "emotions".......
- 04:51am Oct 28, 2002 EST (#
5325 of 5341) Earth vs <^> <^>
The only thing that matters to a Sodom H. or a kim J. ILL
is vidseotapes of his tortured victims.
(16 following messages)
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Missile Defense