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(5304 previous messages)
- 11:55am Oct 27, 2002 EST (#
5305 of 5307)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
I've been posting a sermon
that I think is outstanding from time to time on this thread
since Feb 24, 2001. It is time for church, many are deeply
concerned about matters of life, death, and suffering - and it
feels right to repost my Feb 24th 2000 posting again.
"I have the priviledge of posting a sermon, When the
Foundations are Shaking by Dr. James Slatton of the River
Road Church (Baptist) in Richmond, Va. - a church I grew up
in, a church where my parents have both been deacons, and
active in other ways. This church is much like the one
Jimmy Carter goes to, theologically, though it is much
richer, and more republican, and perhaps basically more
conservative. River Road Church has resigned from the Southern
Baptist Convention, for various reasons, but is well within
the conservative Protestant tradition. I have deep
intellectual, moral, and personal respect for the people at
River Road Church.
"I believe that most people of good will, including exalted
ones, could benefit from the 21 minutes this sermon takes.
Slatton . . . .
"I think any military leader, or political leader, who ever
attends any kind of religious service, anywhere in the world,
could relate to this work.
"I think any member of the clergy, of any faith or creed,
anywhere in the world, could relate to this work. I wish
religious people in a position of leadership WOULD listen to
"People of a more secular view might want to skip ahead to
9:27 in the sermon . Thereafter, it is a tribute to a Russian
colonel, who kept nuclear war from destroying us all, during
the Reagan administration. And a teaching of lessons that most
people know, and live well by, that are important to the
preservation of our world. I believe that people of enough
good will to be human would be interested, and moved, by this
part of the sermon, no matter how secular their views.
"The notion is abroad that no politician can do much about
nuclear weapons, because they cannot get their populations
behind them. They think so because, when people are surveyed,
no one wants to talk about nuclear weapons.
"This is the wrong answer. To deal with this threat, people
in a position to influence events must face it. So the matter
has to be realistically discussed.
"James Slatton's sermon offers a triumphant example of how
possible and practical such realistic discussion is.
"James Slatton is a fine man and an effective clergyman.
But he is not uniquely able or influential. There are many,
many clergymen, all over the world, of many faiths, who could,
and often do, say similar things, in similarly powerful ways.
"The motivation for missile defense largely comes from
concern about the seriousness of the threat from nuclear
weapons. Approaching the problem with care, and a search for
disciplined beauty, we should be able to make the world a far
safer and more humane place than it now is. That is Bush's
basic objective, I believe, and we need to carefully consider
proper means to actually achieve that end.
(2 following messages)
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Missile Defense