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(5288 previous messages)
- 03:55am Oct 27, 2002 EST (#
5289 of 5307) ~~~~ It got understood and exposed
.. when disaster strikes, incompetence is considered a
better alibi than .... Well, yes, there are worse things.'
Vidal draws comparisons with another 'day of infamy' in
American history, writing that 'The truth about Pearl Harbour
is obscured to this day. But it has been much studied. 11
September, it is plain, is never going to be investigated if
Bush has anything to say about it.' He quotes CNN reports that
Bush personally asked Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle to
limit Congressional investigation of the day itself,
ostensibly on grounds of not diverting resources from the
anti-terror campaign.
Vidal calls bin Laden an 'Islamic zealot' and 'evil doer'
but argues that 'war' cannot be waged on the abstraction of
'terrorism'. He says that 'Every nation knows how - if it has
the means and will - to protect itself from thugs of the sort
that brought us 9/11 ... You put a price on their heads and
hunt them down. In recent years, Italy has been doing that
with the Sicilian Mafia; and no-one has suggested bombing
Vidal also highlights the role of American and Pakistani
intelligence in creating the fundamentalist terrorist threat:
'Apparently, Pakistan did do it - or some of it' but with
American support. "From 1979, the largest covert operation in
the history of the CIA was launched in response to the Soviet
invasion of Afghanistan ... the CIA covertly trained and
sponsored these warriors.'
Vidal also quotes the highly respected defence journal
Jane's Defence Weekly on how this support for Islamic
fundamentalism continued after the emergence of bin Laden: 'In
1988, with US knowledge, bin Laden created Al-Qaeda (The
Base); a conglomerate of quasi-independent Islamic terrorist
cells spread across 26 or so countries. Washington turned a
blind eye to Al-Qaeda.'
Vidal, 77, and internationally renowned for his
award-winning novels and plays, has long been a ferocious, and
often isolated, critic of the Bush administration at home and
abroad. He now lives in Italy. In Vidal's most recent book,
The Last Empire, he argued that 'Americans have no idea of the
extent of their government's mischief ... the number of
military strikes we have made unprovoked, against other
countries, since 1947 is more than 250.',6903,819932,00.html
- 04:56am Oct 27, 2002 EST (#
5290 of 5307) ~~~~ It got understood and exposed
'Americans have no idea of the extent of their
government's mischief ... the number of military strikes we
have made unprovoked, against other countries, since 1947 is
more than 250.'
- 05:21am Oct 27, 2002 EST (#
5291 of 5307) ~~~~ It got understood and exposed
- 07:59am Oct 27, 2002 EST (#
5292 of 5307)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
The images are fun to browse - and linked to good
articles !
- 09:15am Oct 27, 2002 EST (#
5293 of 5307) ~~~~ It got understood and exposed
GUN Control - Talking Point. ...
- 09:21am Oct 27, 2002 EST (#
5294 of 5307) ~~~~ It got understood and exposed
Iraq | Colin Powell, US Secretary of State
"We can't continue to have a debate that never ends"
As America stepped up the pressure on the UN, tens of
thousands of demonstrators marched in US and other cities
around the world in protest against a possible war with Iraq.
(13 following messages)
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Missile Defense