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(5251 previous messages)
- 11:59am Oct 26, 2002 EST (#
5252 of 5258) ~~~~ It got understood and exposed
Globally - the people hand over to politicians and their
Globally - people are not a part of process
Globally - problems and solutions are dealt with by a small
team or by an individual
Globally - there are instances of war and mayhem
Globally - the emphasis may be power or business interest
.... coated in greed
Globally - people do have the skills to give improved
Globally - there should be more analysis searching out the
TRUE FACTS of situations .... leading to improved policies and
- 12:09pm Oct 26, 2002 EST (#
5253 of 5258)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
From before 9/11 - something that might be reconsidered,
with some modifications:
rshowalter - 01:39pm Sep 1, 2001 EST (#8296
MD6932 rshowalter 7/11/01 4:24pm . . . MD6934 rshowalter
7/11/01 5:03pm
Several times on this thread, in coordination with
Lunarchick , and in dialog with almarst , this
has been suggested
" Crafting a fully workable, fully
complete, fully explained "draft treaty proposal" for
nuclear disarmament and a more militarily stable world. Such
drafting would, at the least, make for stunningly good
journalism -- that could be widely syndicated among papers.
Useful as that would be, I think the drafting would serve a
much more useful purpose. That purpose would be actually
getting the points that need to be worked out for nuclear
disarmament, and the military balances that peace would
take, set out coherently - - to a level where closure
actually occurs. That would involve a great deal of staff
work done coherently, quickly, and in coordinated
"I think that conditions are ripening for getting something
like this done. Some leaders of nation states involved (not
necessarily all of them) would need to want it done -- and
would need to let that be known, to people who had resources
that mattered for the effort.
_ _ _ _ _
Today, much more discussion of terrorism, and relations
between other nations and the Islamic nations, would need to
be considered, as well.
The motivations for this sort of thing are getting greater
- because problems are getting clearer - and people are
getting good sense enough to know fear - and concern.
Things need to be sorted out - and we could do a lot better
than we're doing.
- 12:13pm Oct 26, 2002 EST (#
5254 of 5258)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
Most of the staff that would be needed to do that work
could be found - with funding - in news organizations from all
over the world. Focusing on facts would not be particularly
difficult - with reasonable umpiring - and the multiple
crosschecking now available with the internet.
5251-52 lchic
10/26/02 11:55am make important, basic points.
We know enough to do much better than we're now
doing. Much of what we know, that could be useful - has
already been posted on this thread by lchic.
- 12:20pm Oct 26, 2002 EST (#
5255 of 5258) ~~~~ It got understood and exposed
That either Iraq or Iran was responsible for the gassing
of Kurds raises the questions
- 12:26pm Oct 26, 2002 EST (#
5256 of 5258) ~~~~ It got understood and exposed
GU talk International search on NYT OP-ED writer
'Krugman' reveals international interest in aspects of
his work!
(2 following messages)
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Missile Defense