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(5220 previous messages)
- 05:54pm Oct 25, 2002 EST (#
5221 of 5230) ~~~~ It got understood and exposed
Patterns compared
Patterns of Leadership
Patterns offered to the populace
Patterns of truth
Patterns of lies
Patterns that hide basic human facts
Patterns of propaganda
Patterns 'for going to war'
Patterns 'for smashing to smithereens' others
Patterns of culture
Patterns of disparity
Putin-Bush there are similar patterns to their leadership
Putin | Chechnya
Bush | Iraq
- 06:21pm Oct 25, 2002 EST (#
5222 of 5230)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
If you want to look at impressive work on this particular
thread -- search lchic -- and if you want to be
much more impressed, search lchic and
lunarchick for all the NYT boards. And on the Guardian
boards, too.
She's the most valuable, beautiful mind I've ever been
close to. A treasure. An honor to work with.
My bet is, working as she does, she'll not only make the
world a more beautiful place, in many, many ways - - she'll
also save more lives than Schindler. By combining erudition
and grace - and making things personal enough that they
are vivid and realistic.
Schindler's list:
- 06:50pm Oct 25, 2002 EST (#
5223 of 5230) ~~~~ It got understood and exposed
WAR and PEACE with an emphasis on PEACE is what
international leaders have to consider.
Working for war?
Working for peace?
Working for peace through war may have been considered to
be 'the way' when the world was simpler, slower, sailing ship
... but that option isn't a real option today.
Cultures are strong! Cultures are
internationalised. Cultures can't be quietened!
War and Peace / Tolstoy Encompassed FATE.
FATE was seen as beyond human control.
A bad workman blames his tools. A bad manager blames
others. A bad leader/manager blames others. A good
leader/manager knows the outcomes are within their sphere of
Others are far away - people with whom we have been
socialised to have little concern for - as numbers or roaches
they can be stamped on, eliminated, they are not seen and felt
as being real.
Yet there are no 'Others' in the world, there are people,
real people, real human beings ... replicas of ourselves
living within evolved social systems.
The deaths of random individuals in Washington by 'bullet'
via the mixed-up mind of a Gulf-veteran wasn't the death of
'Others' ... it was the death of real humans who had roles to
play within real family units.
The theatre audience in Moscow is seen as composed of real
people, some with links to Australia - including Professor
Bobbit ranked highly in the CardioField at Bakersville USA.
The world and it's people are real and interlinked - in Moscow
he had established and worked in with a similar medical
Military Patterns of training try to destroy the human
element of empathy. The Sniper demonstrated a lack of empathy.
Those holding an audience have blocked empathy, shooting
those who try to escape. The how and why of their empathy
blockage relates to the recent history of their culture.
One Putin-Bush patten is an oil pipe!
The oil flows of and through Chechnya-Afghanistan-Iraq, the
dollars generated, materialsPower, politicalPower, are
familiar patterns. The suffering of local people in oil zones
is a recurring pattern.
- 06:53pm Oct 25, 2002 EST (#
5224 of 5230) ~~~~ It got understood and exposed
Brain - Senate - the only one - gone
The Senator who voted against going to war with Iraq has
fallen from the sky!
(6 following messages)
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Missile Defense