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Technology has always found its greatest consumer in a
nation's war and defense efforts. Since the last attempts at a
"Star Wars" defense system, has technology changed
considerably enough to make the latest Missile Defense
initiatives more successful? Can such an application of
science be successful? Is a militarized space inevitable,
necessary or impossible?
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(5191 previous messages)
- 02:03pm Oct 24, 2002 EST (#
5192 of 5205)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
Just trying to do my duty - and keep my promises.
Bill Casey wrote a history of the American Revolution - -
and had a pretty definite view of what the national interest
was. He thought the Cold War was awful - and justified some
awful things - - but now, he'd want it to be over.
Last year, I asked gisterme on a number of occasions
What had I ever done that was not in the national
interest - - and she didn't have any argument that I was
going against national interests that amounted to much. I
think I'm serving national interest - and some other
people do, too, or a basically conservative newspaper wouldn't
be tolerating this forum.
Mazza, you sometimes amuse me, but not always. You've been
advocating the "missile defense" fraud here for quite a while
- pushing it very hard - - and you also, it turns out,
advocate setting up a University in Space. That shows an
astonishing absence of judgement - an insensitivity to the
size of things - and how numbers matter - practically
and morally.
A quote in Jack Hitt's article is worth noting, when
judging space weapons - "it costs a bar of gold to put up a
coke can."
. The Next Battlefield May Be in Outer
Space by JACK HITT
How much would your "University" cost - in a world where it
costs a bar of gold to put up a coke can - and as much to move
that coke can mass from one orbit to most other orbits ?
Both your practical judgements and your moral judgements
are atonishingly out of proportion.
As for mine - I'm trying to do the best job I can possibly
do, within my limitations, to serve the national interest -
mostly in areas where national interest - and broader
interests are the same.
The fact is, I think progress is being made, and the world,
ugly as it is - is getting safer. Maybe I'm misjudging that -
- but it keeps me working. From where things are, if some
leaders asked to get some facts straight - a lot of things
might get much better.
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There's Always Poetry 1205
- 02:26pm Oct 24, 2002 EST (#
5193 of 5205) "Quae cum ita sunt" Caesar's Gallic
So now a peaceful, progressive, educational institution in
inimical? A world at peace is a world where mankind's pursuits
are "of the mind". Universities were founded by people
interested in knowledge. The rediscovery of classical writings
in the Moorish libraries of 12th Century Spain after the Cid
drove out the Moors, was the catalyst that begat the
universities in Italy and eventually all of Europe. Does the
term Renassiance mean anything to you?
Maybe, Space University could bring all of mankind together
to solve Earth's problems without the need to deal with those
individuals who "establish" social and political systems
through the force of arms.
Anything that man conceives is possible. I believe that it
was Robert Kennedy who espoused the pursuit of dreams, as did
Martin Luther King! Robert Kennedy was brought down by a
Palestinian nationalist, (as if his actions were anything but
horrible) and Martin Luther King was brought down by an
ignorant doofus.
Remember, Truth and Justice over Ignorance and
Supersitution! You're clueless!
- 04:19pm Oct 24, 2002 EST (#
5194 of 5205) ~~~~ It got understood and exposed
UNI vers ity
UNI verse city
The home of poets?
(11 following messages)
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Missile Defense