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(5181 previous messages)
- 02:06am Oct 24, 2002 EST (#
5182 of 5189) ~~~~ It got understood and exposed
RU Theatre |
10/23/02 8:16pm and next
- 02:39am Oct 24, 2002 EST (#
5183 of 5189) ~~~~ It got understood and exposed
Wouldn't want to be President of Russia this week - would
Brainstorming required re RU-Moscow-Theatre
Usual tack is brute force
Different tack might be to bring in more people they know -
Explain and sell on vision for that small nation
Demonstrate the roles locals could fulfil
Get the RU audience to sing a few culturally acceptable
verses and show enthusiasm for cause.
Show 'love' and demonstrate acculturation, and try to move
towards reconcilliation.
Was the theater (x-factory) chosen for location or was the
essence of the story of the play a factor - or none of the
A bullet stops Washington
A threat of bomb stops Moscow
If they don't take Nukes down - how long before a crazy
tries to 'stop' a vast geo-region?
- 04:21am Oct 24, 2002 EST (#
5184 of 5189) Earth vs <^> <^>
10/23/02 4:43pm
...Gisterme, you've never heard of more than
100,000 people being killed deliberately by US policy?
You're as inconsistent as lchic. I don't know how you
figure "US policy" is killing Iraqi children when it's the UN
that has agreed on the "oil for food, etc." program. Iraq
COULD be fed if Sodom Hussy would actually spend the $$$ on
food, medicine, etc. Instead, he builds endless "palaces" and
buys surplus military equipment from defunct ex-Soviet bloc
countries. Therefore the $$$ won't be forthcoming.
- 04:28am Oct 24, 2002 EST (#
5185 of 5189) Earth vs <^> <^>
I mean, lchic prattles on about Sodom freeing ALL the
prisoners in Iraq (except for the one's he doesn't want to
release). Is THAT supposed to be "justice" release
murderers and robbers along with political prisoners? What
will be the horrible, grisly fate in store for the relatives
of the "disappeared" when the staged a protest the other day?
They'll "disappear" as well into the he|_|_ of Sodom's torture
- 05:10am Oct 24, 2002 EST (#
5186 of 5189)
10/23/02 6:23pm
One could fairly say that culpability for all the deaths
caused by the invasion of Kuwait and it's liberation lie at
the feet of Saddam.
I'm sure you sleep very soundly at night, Gisterme, but
fortunately you're completely out of touch with public opinion
beyond your borders and completely out of touch with
international law. A report for the UN secretary general,
written by Professor Marc Bossuyt, a distinguished authority
on international law, says that the "sanctions regime against
Iraq is unequivocally illegal under existing human rights law"
and "could raise questions under the Genocide convention".
A growing body of legal opinion agrees that the ICC has a
duty, as Eric Herring wrote, to investigate "not only the
regime, but also the UN bombing and sanctions which have
violated the human rights of Iraqi civilians on a vast scale
by denying them many of the means necessary for survival. It
should also investigate those who assisted Saddam Hussein's
programs of now prohibited weapons, including western
governments and companies".
In an Foreign Affairs, authors John and Karl Mueller called
the U.N. sanctions against Iraq ``weapons of mass
destruction,'' more deadly than those the sanctions aim to
In August 2000, the UN Subcommission on the Protection and
Promotion of Human Rights issued an appeal for the end of
sactions in two resolutions adopted at its annual meeting in
Geneva. It said the sanctions, imposed 10 years ago after Iraq
invaded Kuwait, had "condemned an innocent people to hunger,
disease, ignorance and even death".
- 05:11am Oct 24, 2002 EST (#
5187 of 5189)
10/23/02 6:23pm
If you think it's not a crime to rape your neighbor then
say so, commondata. If you think it's a crime to help your
friend when she's being raped, then say so.
While we're being emotive (which I think is an excellent
idea) you might like to consider 2 World Trade Centres full of
children going down every month as a deliberate result
of US policy.
Go tell Saddam that your whining and defending of his
atrocities isn't impressing many folks.
When have I ever defended an attrocity?
(2 following messages)
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