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Technology has always found its greatest consumer in a
nation's war and defense efforts. Since the last attempts at a
"Star Wars" defense system, has technology changed
considerably enough to make the latest Missile Defense
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science be successful? Is a militarized space inevitable,
necessary or impossible?
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(5145 previous messages)
- 09:26am Oct 23, 2002 EST (#
5146 of 5150)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
The search capacity on this thread is not available now. I
hope it returns.
If people want to judge my work - by looking at a lot of
it, with many links to this thread - they could click the
links accessed by clicking rshow55 - - or look at
postings I've done in the Guardian Talk threads. I'm proud of
a lot of that work - - all that is posted from September on in
Mankind's Inhumanity to Man and Woman - As Natural as human
from #340
to #356 there is a reproduction of a posting I did in March of
2001 that I'm very proud of - and that I think people involved
in decisions about war and peace might reasonably attend to.
#340 starts:
Sometime on October 15th, a posting I made
on July 25, 2001 in the Guardian Talk threads
Psychwarfare, Casablanca . . . and terror -
International and Paradigm Shift. . whose getting
there? - Science was deleted by someone else. I believe
that the posts were deleted to alter the record of the work
lchic and I have been doing on the NYT Missile Defense board
and here for more than two years. The deleted link
described, with many citations, a detailed briefing that I'd
given almarst - - the MD board's "Putin stand-in" in
March of 2001.
I personally hope, and tend to believe, that Putin took
time out of his schedule to attend to that briefing - a
time-out referred to in Muddle in Moscow
We need solutions that are, in a technical sense I try to
explain in two poems "redemptive and detonative."
Secular Redemption
Chain Breakers
- -
Mushy idealism? I think not. I think that a lot of good
redemptive and detonative solutions happen in the United
States of America, and all over the world, every day. They are
the solutions, I think, that work best.
We are living in a dangerous but hopeful time - - and
things are so complicated that anything but the truth, and
balanced right answers, are prohibitively expensive and
dangerous. We should face the truth.
Even people with terrible pasts are making efforts at
accomodation and improvement.
Other people and nations should, too.
When the United States avoids the truth, as it sometimes
does, I believe other nations ought to ask questions. I
believe that a great deal would happen, in the service of the
common interest, if they did.
- 12:18pm Oct 23, 2002 EST (#
5147 of 5150)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
W.House Says End in Sight on U.N. Iraq Debate
Filed at 11:53 a.m. ET
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A White House
official said on Wednesday that a U.N. Security Council
debate over a new resolution against Iraq was coming to an
end and that there is a possibility of a failure to reach
I wonder how difficult it would be to reach an agreement
acceptable to everybody else on the Security Council
except for the US (or, perhaps, except for the US and GB.)
Sometimes diplomats can only be so diplomatic. It seems to
me like it might be time to put some things on the record -
and to circulate a proposal making clear what the US was
unwilling to accept.
Records matter. Justifications of "moral superiority" also
need to be discussed - for stability in this situation, and in
the future.
5116 rshow55
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10/22/02 5:27pm
Sometimes compulsion is necessary. I wonder how
difficult it would be to force the United States to
acknowledge some of the key things that it has done?
Missile Defense might be a good place to start. A related
issue is the "good faith" the United States has shown in its
negotiations and signed statements about nuclear weapons.
If people faced facts - - a lot of things could sort out.
Either international law is being renegotiated - - or it is
being negated. It should be the former, not that latter. But
if it is the latter - it will be important to have that clear.
(3 following messages)
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Missile Defense