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Technology has always found its greatest consumer in a
nation's war and defense efforts. Since the last attempts at a
"Star Wars" defense system, has technology changed
considerably enough to make the latest Missile Defense
initiatives more successful? Can such an application of
science be successful? Is a militarized space inevitable,
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(5143 previous messages)
- 09:17am Oct 23, 2002 EST (#
5144 of 5146)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
The analogies between US military policy and patterns of
enronation are uncomfortably close. Perhaps some things
are coming to a head. . . . . Paul Krugman has been speaking
clearly about that - in columns and in the magazine this week:
For Richer
If I'm right about who gisterme is, some politicians
know about this thread, and are asking questions. Perhaps not
only nationally, but internationally, too. If those questions
are sensible and responsible, that means that some things long
hidden - sometimes "hidden in plain sight" - are going to be
understood and exposed.
The NYT Missile Defense board has been busy since MD4679 rshow55
9/30/02 8:34am
MD4739-40 rshow55
10/3/02 9:14am
To give a sense of my sense of my situation and my problems
- here's a sheet I've given to some people over the last few
weeks . . . 4572 rshow55
9/26/02 5:15pm sets out that sheet.
Links to CIA and my security problems, this thread:
3773-3778 rshow55
8/17/02 5:58pm
Issues of humanity are practical concerns if we are to make
peace stable. We're human beings 4363-4366 rshow55
9/18/02 7:42am
4368_69 rshow55
9/18/02 11:11am :
Enough is going badly enough - things are
out of balance enough -- there's enough crazy behavior -
that people ought to seriously consider getting some key
facts established - so that we'd know enough - about the
past, and about ourselves - so that stable, peaceful
relations might have a decent chance. If world leaders
want some things clarified - they need to ask.
4419 rshow55
9/19/02 2:05pm : "Here's a quote from a mystery story
writer, Dashiell Hammet in The Thin Man , 1933.
Hammet's speaking of a sexy, interesting, treacherous
character named "Mimi". He's asked by a police detective what
to make of what she says:
" The chief thing," I advised him, "is not
to let her wear you out. When you catch her in a lie, she
admits it and gives you another lie to take its place, and
when you catch he in that one, admits it, and gives you
still another, and so on. Most people . . . get discouraged
after you've caught them in the third or fourth straight lie
and fall back on the truth or silence, but not Mimi. She
keeps trying, and you've got to be careful or you'll find
yourself believing her, not because she seems to be telling
the truth, but simply because you're tired of disbelieving
her. "
The United States, in its diplomatic and military fuctions,
can be too much like that.
If world leaders want some things clarified, questions of
US veracity are going to have to be adressed. If leaders want
these matters clarified, these issues can be -- and I believe
that it would be greatly to the benefit of the United States
to have them clarified.
The "missile defense" boondoggle is one fine place to
start, because so many of the technical issues are so clear.
Lchic and I have been proceeding with our work on the NYT
MD forum on the assumption (or fiction) that it is monitored
by staffed organizations -(for details, click rshow55
in the upper left hand corner of this posting ). At a time
when basic patterns of international law are being
renegotiated, the discourse may be of interest to specialists
- and the channel it represents may be of international use.
If we're proceeding on the basis of a fiction, it is a fiction
that may protype patterns that are not fictional at some later
Explosive instabilities: 4426
- 09:19am Oct 23, 2002 EST (#
5145 of 5146)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
Explosive instabilities: 4426 rshow55
9/19/02 4:34pm
(1 following message)
New York Times on the Web Forums
Missile Defense