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(5135 previous messages)
- 02:44am Oct 23, 2002 EST (#
5136 of 5143) ~~~~ It got understood and exposed
Friedman has an excellent column today regarding the need
for the Arab world to 'have an economy', were there such, then
the youths who currently vilify the west, would be happily
engaged and occupied.
On economies ALL economies are MIXED!
- 02:51am Oct 23, 2002 EST (#
5137 of 5143) ~~~~ It got understood and exposed
The world's small
Life's short
It's important to
Burrow under the Label
to get beyond prejudice
to have empathy and 'love' for others
to enjoy people
to value people
and for those in leadership roles to use their 'clout' to
good purpose.
If something 'bad' happens to a person, they go on to talk
about and tell lots of people - bad press.
If something 'good' happens to a person, they might not
broadcast it, but, they will function and grow and achieve.
- 03:11am Oct 23, 2002 EST (#
5138 of 5143) Earth vs <^> <^>
10/23/02 2:22am
...if aliens do arrive, hostile or not, no
doubt Robert and lchic will be able to direct them in the
proper way to organize the world. :-)
From Rshow's point of view, since he believes you're
Condoleeza Rice, you just tossed him a juicy bone in the form
of of an ambassador portfolio to Their Majesties, The
Aliens!!! From now on YOU will be his rising Star...even as
lchic sinks below the horizon.
- 05:52am Oct 23, 2002 EST (#
5139 of 5143) ~~~~ It got understood and exposed
"Wouldn't it be dreadful to live in a country where they
didn't have tea?" Noel Coward
Everything Stops for Tea especially when a duststorm's
passing over.
Interesting how Bush Dis-information hacks 'sit' on the
threads of The Guardian and The New York Times
... how they are paid from the public purse to monitor, read
and watch for every post put up by Showalter. Prooving the
point that Showalter does have important cultural
contributions to offer.
The amazing part is, they tab, track and harass ... and yet
.... can't get themselves sufficiently together to drop
Showalter that note in writing that frees him to move on, and
lay out his important contributions to society.
- 05:56am Oct 23, 2002 EST (#
5140 of 5143)
10/23/02 3:11am
" just tossed him a juicy bone in the form of of
an ambassador portfolio to Their Majesties,..."
I think Robert does need to get a job.
- 06:05am Oct 23, 2002 EST (#
5141 of 5143) ~~~~ It got understood and exposed
Showalter is the hardest working guy in America! An
Original Thinker - thinking for himself, the Nation and
International stability!
He'd be very happy to get 'that note' from the CIA to free
and enable him to move on with his important and unique
scientific work.
Does anyone ever wonder how many Americans are stunted in
their life plan by an aspect of government that won't face up
to its responsibility?
(2 following messages)
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Missile Defense