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(5118 previous messages)
- 04:28pm Oct 22, 2002 EST (#
5119 of 5119)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
Missile Defense #1720 rshow55
4/23/02 8:13pm
lchic 4/23/02 4:44pm lchic
4/23/02 4:44pm
On Kissinger: Thomas L Friedman's review of
Kissenger's Does America Need a Foreign Policy titled How to Run the World in Seven Chapters
Friedman's review includes this:
" What was said of " The Prince ,''
as Harvey C. Mansfield Jr. of Harvard University explains in
his translation, will no doubt be said by critics of
Kissinger, Mansfield wrote: ''Soon after being published in
1532,'' Machiavelli's book ''was denounced as a collection
of sinister maxims and as a recommendation of tyranny,
giving rise to the hateful term 'Machiavellian.' ''
Kissinger's book is not a recommendation for tyranny in any
way, but it is very ''Kissingerian'' -- focused more around
power balances, stability and national interests than
American values. I have no doubt that Kissinger is as
cynical, mean and nasty a bureaucratic infighter and player
of the game of nations as his most venomous critics have
charged. At times, he can make Machiavelli sound like one of
the Sisters of Mercy. But having said that, one can
still value the clarity of his thinking, which is fully on
display here.
Clear thinking and all - - we have a right to ask for
better performance now - and we need to acknowledge our own
faults - - some of the things that the US has done are as
terrible as anything that Saddam has done.
Md 63-67 rshow55
3/2/02 7:21am
MD64 lchic
3/2/02 7:28am
Md 67-69 rshow55
3/2/02 8:29am includes this:
The following was, for a time, featured on the wonderful
and distinguished Encyclopedia Britannica web site. It
has been removed, and links to it are not available. I'm
including it here, because it gathers together wonderful
references (some removed, but many remaining) that I believe
are important to see, when one asks about what Friedman meant
when he said that he had
" no doubt that Kissinger is as cynical,
mean and nasty a bureaucratic infighter and player of the
game of nations as his most venomous critics have charged.
At times, he can make Machiavelli sound like one of the
Sisters of Mercy. . . ."
Henry Kissinger on Trial: A Guide to the Controversy
Surrounding the Diplomat February 2001
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