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(5094 previous messages)
- 10:41pm Oct 20, 2002 EST (#
5095 of 5113) Can we do a better job of finding truth?
YES. Click "rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and
worked for on this thread.
When Dr. Rice wrote this, I believe she wrote something
profound and hopeful.
" Today, the international community has
the best chance since the rise of the nation-state in the
seventeenth century to build a world where great powers
compete in peace instead of continually prepare for war. . .
. . . The United States will build on these common interests
to promote global security. "
" The National Security Strategy of the United
States ,"
. page 2.
The whole world hopes for that. But if hopes are to
solidify into reality - we need to communicate
effectively - - work enough things out between people and
powers so that they know enough to compete in peace.
That takes a lot of talking - negotiation of a shared
space - - communication good enough so that - when it
matters for practical affairs intended meanings and
percieved meanings match well enough to be safe.
A communication model
For us to find that shared space - and maintain it - and
know we have it -- - we need empathy.
Even for those we hate and fear.
Because we have things we have to communicate about.
And so "warm feelings" - at some levels - even if they are
just "conventional" or "polite" - - are very practical --
matters of life and death.
- 11:20pm Oct 20, 2002 EST (#
5096 of 5113) Can we do a better job of finding truth?
YES. Click "rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and
worked for on this thread.
Perhaps things are going very well, and international
discussions are going well. If you take Iraq at its word,
subject to checking that if offers - - we are a long way from
a justification for war:
Iraq States Its Case By MOHAMMED ALDOURI
"After so many years of fear from war, the
threat of war and suffering, the people of Iraq and their
government in Baghdad are eager for peace. We have no
intention of attacking anyone, now or in the future, with
weapons of any kind. If we are attacked, we will surely
defend ourselves with all means possible. But bear in mind
that we have no nuclear or biological or chemical weapons,
and we have no intention of acquiring them.
"We are not asking the people of the United
States or of any member state of the United Nations to trust
in our word, but to send the weapons inspectors to our
country to look wherever they wish unconditionally.
They're saying "you don't have to trust us - - you can
check us." We shouldn't be reluctant to do that - and to
remember how many different ways there are to check and
cross-check. If the UN gets something like active cooperation
from Iraq - there may be some hidden residual capacities - but
there won't be much - and Iraq will not be in a good position
to use anything it has left in any militarily sane way.
Iraq has made a major concession - both moral and practical
- in its amnesty.
Iraq Announces Amnesty for Its Prisoners By THE
BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) -- "The Iraqi government
announced an amnesty Sunday for all Iraqi prisoners . . "
One need not trust Saddam, nor like him, to think that
Hussein and Mobs Virtually Empty Iraq's Prisons By JOHN
reports an act of great consequence.
If Iraq can effectively reintegrate those prisoners, it
will show a distinct "regime change" in the ways that matter
to many, many people.
. . .
Iraq has offered to be checked and tested. That testing is
coming. It started today. Perhaps this is a time, not only for
care, but also for hope. Secular Redemption
will be hard, this time - - but it is interesting that the
leaders of Iraq are standing up to the challenge - not sitting
passively by.
. . . .
The North Koreans are not sitting passively by either. This
is a time for hope - and good judgement. Perhaps a good time
for a sermon.
. When the foundations are shaking.
I like the whole of James Slatton's sermon - but after the
first nine minutes - it is mostly secular.
The last thirty seconds - are particularly memorable - and
the last word - which resonates for me. . . .
We could use some judgement. Some care. Some luck, too.
(17 following messages)
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Missile Defense