New York Times on the Web Forums
Technology has always found its greatest consumer in a
nation's war and defense efforts. Since the last attempts at a
"Star Wars" defense system, has technology changed
considerably enough to make the latest Missile Defense
initiatives more successful? Can such an application of
science be successful? Is a militarized space inevitable,
necessary or impossible?
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(5063 previous messages)
- 09:09pm Oct 19, 2002 EST (#
5064 of 5070)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
4975 rshow55
10/17/02 9:20am includes this:
Saw a movie last night. Nurenberg . There was an
interesting line in it. The character who played a
psychologist wanted to define the nature of evil. He settled
" the absence of empathy ."
Not an ideal and complete definition, standing alone. But
worth thinking about
After a point, you might add
" the absence of perspective .
Here are key facts about the enemy we have most reason to
North Korea, TV Nation by RUSSELL WORKING
The North Koreans are a barely competent socio-technical
system. They can't feed themselves.
And yet they can make effective weapons.
U.S. Seeks Support to Press North Korea By JAMES DAO
Weapons making - even the making of weapons of mass
destruction, is easy - - we have to learn to make peace
- in the real world - with people as they are, as crazy as
they are.
Fantasy fixes, like "missile defense" aren't
workable - and we ought to grow up enough to know it.
- 09:15pm Oct 19, 2002 EST (#
5065 of 5070)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
And killing is too easy, and can be done in too many ways -
- for defense to be the only (or even the main) protection. We
need agreement enough, widespread enough, about the most
primal things - - that we can live in peace.
And we need institutions that can offer the
collective protection that individuals, neighborhoods,
and even nation states need.
Yes - - but it is a task before us.
Washington DC, for instance, can't defend effectively
against a single gunman.
We can't find safety by being "unchallengable
bullies" - - and we need to grow up enough to learn that.
- 09:15pm Oct 19, 2002 EST (#
5066 of 5070) 'The scoops are on the way'....
Boy, the forum bunnies sure are popping em out today.
Do they really think anyone reads that slop?
- 09:37pm Oct 19, 2002 EST (#
5067 of 5070)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
Sometimes gisterme does 4957 gisterme
10/16/02 11:36pm includes this:
" I wouldn't bother with this thread if I
didn't think the "stakes" (your word) are a joke. Who would?
Many lives are at stake here, perhaps including yours and
mine. Those are high enough stakes for me. "
Sometimes gisterme is up at 3:00 in the morning
responding to this thread, too. And my guess is that (s)he
lives in the continental United States - where that's an
inconvenient time.
gisterme has cared a long while -- has more than
700 postings: 2570-2585 rshow55
6/17/02 8:09am
2586-88 rshow55
6/17/02 8:20am
almarst reads it sometimes, too.
- 09:48pm Oct 19, 2002 EST (#
5068 of 5070) 'The scoops are on the way'....[0]0
There's a site for you partner. They want you to post
your story there. Why don't you get a blog site and post
your damn heart out. You'll be surprised that no one cares
about your slop.
(2 following messages)
New York Times on the Web Forums
Missile Defense