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(5060 previous messages)
- 07:53pm Oct 19, 2002 EST (#
5061 of 5066) ~~~~ It got understood and exposed
"Science in the News" 10/19/02 7:29pm
"Science in the News" 10/19/02 7:50pm .....
- 08:33pm Oct 19, 2002 EST (#
5062 of 5066)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
Lchic and I have known each other a long time !
484-486 lunarchick
"Health in the News" 3/1/00 5:30am
And I'm grateful for what we've done together.
Health in the News #486 includes this:
I feel that when news people, and then the
public, ask questions about the judgement and caution of the
medicos, though the medicos may sweat, the questions are
likely to do much more good than harm.
Not just the medicos, either. Are our military people
any better - any more honorable - - any wiser ?
8/13/02 5:07pm
At the same time, we need to know that whole
cultures -- including high status specialists within
cultures - can be radically, ornately, gruesomely wrong. It
has happened very often in the past. The history of medicine
offers some wrenching examples - and Kipling explains how
compelling a totally wrong set of medical views can be in
Our Fathers Of Old
People's head get full of "explanations" --
and have since history began. But are these "explanations"
good ones?
An individual within a culture can have no
way to tell - judging that individual by realistic human
standards - unless, when enough things go wrong - checking
is morally forcing.
Until it is - dangers and costs will be much higher than
they have to be.
Md 3704_3705 rshow55
8/13/02 5:07pm
I need a security problem dealt with - - and then the way
might be clear for doing that. It would be a public service -
and something very many serving officers in the US military
would welcome.
- 08:37pm Oct 19, 2002 EST (#
5063 of 5066)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
I believe that Patrick E. Tyler's Officers Say
U.S. Aided Iraq in War Despite Use of Gas
should be read carefully and repeatedly by citizens and nation
states, all over the world. And by news organizations, too.
There is a lot of substance, and, with a little thought, there
are a lot of implications and leads from Tyler's story.
MD3804-3806 August 18, 2002 rshow55
8/18/02 8:32pm
We need to find ways to do better in the future than
we did in the past.
(3 following messages)
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Missile Defense