Technology has always found its greatest consumer in a
nation's war and defense efforts. Since the last attempts at a
"Star Wars" defense system, has technology changed
considerably enough to make the latest Missile Defense
initiatives more successful? Can such an application of
science be successful? Is a militarized space inevitable,
necessary or impossible?
" Missile shield test a success, says Pentagon" . . .
* * * *
The posting of July 25, 2001 that was deleted from
Psychwar . . . was also deleted from Paradigm Shift
.... whose getting there?
The posting before that, 08:10pm Jul 18, 2001 BST
bears rereading, I think. Here is some of it.
Bertotdt Brecht's essay, WRITING THE TRUTH, FIVE
DIFFICULTIES is in my version of his play, GALILEO
, set into English by Charles Laughton, and includes this:
" It takes courage to say that the good
were defeated not because they were good, but because they
were weak."
When the truth is too weak, we have to ask: why? Was
it indeed the truth? Or were there systematic barriers to the
propagation of the truth -- chain breakers? Fear is a problem,
and a deeply embedded one, all through the system, for
journalists, for members of the government, and for people who
depend on the government (that is, all of us.) And reluctance
to face new ideas is, as well.
I think some may enjoy Chain Breakers
in this regard. Some might enjoy it more in terms of the
information linked to MD6613 (link deleted)
MD6671 (link deleted) .... contains this phrase:
" Hitler went unchecked. "
Hitler subverted an entire society based on nonsense and
lies, many ornately detailed, and destroyed much of the world
in doing so. He hoped, in the senses that matter to most of
us, to destroy the whole world. In the ways that mattered, he
wasn't effectively checked at the level of ideas.
Could the situation be as serious as that now? I think so
-- I've long believed that the world could easily end, on the
basis of things I believe I understand from a more grounded
perspective than many have, that the world could end. I'm not
alone in that fear:
. Doomsday by Rebecca Johnson ,
executive director of the Acronym Institute for
Disarmament Diplomacy,4273,4222863,00.html
In MD6024 (link deleted) I asked gisterme , who I
believe represents high officers of state, the following
question "What have I said that is not in the national
interest?" The issue was whether I had committed, or was
proposing to commit, treason.
gisterme replied to the question directly in these
posting, and doing so conceded that issues of technical
feasibility and probablility of projects, based on the open
literature, can be discussed in the United States.
MD6028 . . MD6033 . . .MD6060 (links deleted - available on
That concession is important, in part because of the
mechanics of discourse in these affairs. The shroud of
classification, even when only used as a threat, can slow
discourse down to a crawl. For example, the Coyle Report, . .
10 August 2000 . . . .
, though not formally classified, has been restricted
informally. It took months for Congressman Tierney to get it
released -- something plainly in the public interest. Working
outside of classification rules could be much faster --
and could happen in public -- ideally, recorded in streaming
video on the net, with key calculations also on the net, and
the whole world invited to see and check those calculations.
- 08:38am Oct 16, 2002 EST (#
4935 of 4936)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
If this were done, and somehow made public -- some key
points, now supressed, might stand out - - and some good
decisions might come. I've been trying to find ways to force
that checking -- with someone from the administration - with a
real name, a real face, and real engineering creditials at
risk - on the other side. People often will not attend to
fancy arguments -- especially these, where it is so often
numbers that are far fetched -- not qualitative ideas
Perhaps, if it could be arranged, more might attend to a
umpired fight. I might lose such an umpired, public fight,
but I'm prepared to risk that.
(more in
(1 following message)

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