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(4877 previous messages)
- 07:34pm Oct 14, 2002 EST (#
4878 of 4892)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
I've had a little problem: rshow55
8/17/02 5:58pm
And though I haven't made promises to the devil
himself I did make promises to Bill Casey.
# 330-340
are indications of what I think Bill Casey - who
managed Ronald Reagan's 1981 campaign - - would have wanted
We have some messes. We should fix them
I'm saying so, as a person who is trying to collect a
considerable amount of money from the government - for myself,
but mainly for my old AEA investors. MD2765 rshow55
6/29/02 7:59am
My efforts to collect that money are matters of fact that
can be checked - - from this thread, and from other
My only chance is to be right on the things that
actually matter.
It is not in the national interest to make
trillion dollar errors.
- 07:36pm Oct 14, 2002 EST (#
4879 of 4892) Prince of Darkness, Yes it's Me, I'm
It will all be over pretty soon ..
- 07:47pm Oct 14, 2002 EST (#
4880 of 4892) Prince of Darkness, Yes it's Me, I'm
Any idiot mathematician knows zero sum pursuit/evasion
stochastics balancing evasive moves against homing accuracy
for TBMs outfitted with guidance devices steering reentry
patterns for unpredictable trajectories, make narrow band
interception impossible. Sick pay-off missile interception if
the warhead is <cough> anthrax.
- 07:57pm Oct 14, 2002 EST (#
4881 of 4892)
p.o.d. & gisterme
Sorry to pop your bubbles...but last time I checked,
Clinton couldn't bomb NKs because they already had ICBMs
deliverable to Chicago and the has been reported
that the message was clearly delivered to Bush as well when
Kelly went there a week ago....the more reliable (i.e. Non-US)
public sources estimate that NK had 20 deliverable ICBMs by
1993 (the first ICBM text that went over Japan was in 1993,
1998 was not the first, notwithstanding the official line).
Everything else since then has been public advertisements to
US hawks.
What a comical farce to watch the diplomatic line dancing.
despite the "big talk", the decision has been made foe Bush
Jr.....negotiate with NK but attack everyoen else....btw,
Armitage And Powell asked Japanese to negotiate for Bush since
Bush can't swallow the admission of NK exception after all
that "tough" talk....What a joke...:-)
- 07:57pm Oct 14, 2002 EST (#
4882 of 4892)
Any good engineer or scientist can tell you that all
equations and/or models are approximations to reality. All
equations depend on the context and the level of detail at
which one is examining the problem. It seems to me you have
spent a great deal of time belaboring the obvious.
- 08:01pm Oct 14, 2002 EST (#
4883 of 4892)
10/14/02 7:34pm
"...And though I haven't made promises to the devil
himself I did make promises to Bill Casey.
In case you haven't noticed, Robert, Bill Casey is
dead. The devil himself is not. The war in which Mr. Bill
Casey was a warrior is over. Nobody that I know of cares
much about what Bill Casey promised you...especially
since you very conveniently (for you) have presented no
documentation, other than what you say, about what was
promised. Oh, by the way, you haven't even really said what
was promised. However, I admire your courage in admitting that
you are trying to collect money from the US
government/taxpayers based on your name-dropping and
unverifiable claims. Good luck.
(9 following messages)
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