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 [F] New York Times on the Web Forums  / Science  /

    Missile Defense

Technology has always found its greatest consumer in a nation's war and defense efforts. Since the last attempts at a "Star Wars" defense system, has technology changed considerably enough to make the latest Missile Defense initiatives more successful? Can such an application of science be successful? Is a militarized space inevitable, necessary or impossible?

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lchic - 06:15am Oct 14, 2002 EST (# 4857 of 4870)
~~~~ It got understood and exposed ~~~~

""FOR 13 days starting Oct. 16, 1962, "the world stood like a playing card on edge," as Norman Mailer put it, while President Kennedy and his closest aides faced down the threat of Soviet missiles in Cuba. Forty years later, Washington and the world are again on the brink

lchic - 06:54am Oct 14, 2002 EST (# 4858 of 4870)
~~~~ It got understood and exposed ~~~~

It's the time-bomb of ignorance that's terrorising the world:

The ClosedMind thinking of certain terrorist factions is said to relate directly to there being NO PLAN to educate Afghanies when America followed the Russians (1980's)

The ROTE learning of the Koran - doesn't give a wide educational perspective, and is subject to narrow interpretation.

The Saudi's have education and dollars some of which is used for anti-peace purposes.

rshow55 - 09:12am Oct 14, 2002 EST (# 4859 of 4870) Delete Message
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click "rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for on this thread.

lchic 10/14/02 6:54am . . . "It's the time-bomb of ignorance that's terrorising the world:"

That's true. And we're living in a time where the means are coming together to make better patterns possible. When things are as complicated and conflicted as this - truth - and understanding of key, checkable facts, is our only hope.

And that is scary - - - but unavoidable, if we're to avoid unending horror.

kalter.rauch 10/14/02 12:03am is some very emotional utterance - full of lies - but let me adress one. Can "the poster" point to an example of my "dangerous unilateral disarmament line" that doesn't make military sense in the world as it is? Something specific. "The poster" cited rshow55 10/1/02 6:51pm - - and I'd be glad for people to read it.

Also 4849-50 rshow55 10/13/02 10:08pm and especially

Bush 2000 Adviser Offered To Use Clout to Help Enron By Joe Stephens Washington Post Staff Writer Sunday, February 17, 2002

" Just before the last presidential election, Bush campaign adviser Ralph Reed offered to help Enron Corp. deregulate the electricity industry by working his "good friends" in Washington and by mobilizing religious leaders and pro-family groups . . .

We have to ask others around the world to clean up their messes - as a matter of decency, and self preservation. For that to work, we have to be willing to look at, and clean up, messes of our own.

If people work sensibly to "connect the dots" - checking for consistency and work to match the consistent stories to checkable facts a lot could clean up - in a lot of places - pretty quickly.

- - -

Here's a checkable fact. This thread is full of technical detail damning the current "missile defense" boondoggle - much discussed - not refuted - and kalter knows it.

lchic - 01:14pm Oct 14, 2002 EST (# 4860 of 4870)
~~~~ It got understood and exposed ~~~~

So a thinking Islamic rationalist would say - thankyou to The West.

Whereas a fundamental Islamist wouldn't think - rather would just blame all the ills of his own society on others - as in poor workman, bad manager.

So the term 'The West' can be substituted by 'Advanced Complex Society' ... for geographically there is neither 'west' not 'western world'.

Rather there are societies who have ceased upon opportunity, sweated and thought ..... as opposed to societies that haven't the gumption to work out a strategy to utilise the 'gifts' of advanced societies that are available to them.

Question: Why doesn't the Arabic Sky Channel start to channel for truths that will assist it's own society rather than push propaganda onto it's audience?

Can someone supply an answer here please ... !

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 [F] New York Times on the Web Forums  / Science  / Missile Defense

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