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(4664 previous messages)
- 11:40pm Sep 29, 2002 EST (#
4665 of 4676) ~~~~ It got understood and exposed
If Johnson is 'posting himself into a frazzel' must
mean there's a lot worth reading on the board above .... or
the CNN Iraq feature was excellent television!
- 11:41pm Sep 29, 2002 EST (#
4666 of 4676) Earth vs <^> <^>
9/29/02 12:00pm
Rice could be great...
Admit and lchic are only saying that because
she's black. You're both too politically correct to say
I say that because she tutored GW in foreign policy, and
you don't have any problem trashing Bush. They both have the
same views, so race HAS to be the reason for your support.
- 12:14am Sep 30, 2002 EST (#
4667 of 4676) 'How much do you make?'...'Well I'd
half to look at the books, but I think around $100
week'....wife-'You don't make $100 a week'...husband-'They
can't prove that, we don't keep books'..
when people were nice? heehee
or How I Learned to catch badgers from the internet.
- 12:53am Sep 30, 2002 EST (#
4668 of 4676) ~~~~ It got understood and exposed
American Foreign Policy ( it is said ) changes every 24
hours .....
Ask an American what there Foreign Policy was 24 hours ago
.... and they won't know
Above, a radio sound bite, would that be right? :)
- 01:15am Sep 30, 2002 EST (#
4669 of 4676) ~~~~ It got understood and exposed
"" Rice could be great... (Showalter)
Admit and lchic are only saying that because
she's black. You're both too politically correct to say
I say that because she tutored GW in foreign policy, and
you don't have any problem trashing Bush. They both have the
same views, so race HAS to be the reason for your support.
(The Poster) kalter.rauch
9/29/02 11:41pm
Johnson you're transfixed with the external image of women,
thanks for the info on Rice - wow - didn't know that ... what
does it mean ... etc
If you read our posts you'd note a need to move to a
humanitarian world view (that's happening), and a greater
understanding of human nature, the animal in man, the Laws and
Rules of nature and successful culture ....
Sad that Rice was picked on by the Right-Right-Right wing (
was that the Nazi school?) and indoctrinated ... but she can
and is moderating to overcome that ..
As above - a week, day, hour in politics is a long time ...
What do politicians really stand for ...
Why do they change and move their positions like fireflies
dancing ....
Why do people move from one party to another ...
Why? Why? Why?
Showalter might say 'because socio-culture is complex and
in constant flux' ...
There's a lot of GREEN GOODNESS required .... everyone can
assist - and wow isn't RICE GREEN in the paddock! Sure it is!
You bet ya!
- 01:55am Sep 30, 2002 EST (#
4670 of 4676) ~~~~ It got understood and exposed
Here's a thought:
Political Parties are seen as being either progressive or
conservative ... but there's a bit of each in all.
What would happen to America if Rice became a progressive
.... if she took the millstone off the neck of the
Conservative party ... opened up the hive ... exposed it for
what it is ... held them by the left leg and shook all that
GREED out of their pockets ...
Put a new philosophy into 'Right' leapfrogging 'Right' over
left, so rather than it being right of left, it's left of left
-- out there setting trends, seeking new directions ... back
to former days of glory --- wasn't that memory from the
nineteenth century why she joined ... along with a tantalising
development package ....
(6 following messages)
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Missile Defense