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(4592 previous messages)
- 04:05pm Sep 27, 2002 EST (#
4593 of 4617) ~~~~ It got understood and exposed
690 US
670 Ru
145 Aus
134 uk
102 can
85 fr
48 jp
Prioners per 100,000 pop
So America's good at something!
- 04:33pm Sep 27, 2002 EST (#
4594 of 4617) ~~~~ It got understood and exposed
Felony Costs Voting Rights for a Lifetime in 9 States
Taking voting rights - medieval
see more
The UN should pass a HUMAN RIGHT edict that every world
citizen has the right to vote - the right to vote as a
shareholder in their country.
How can America talk of democracy 'elsewhere' when it
doesn't itself understand the meaning of it?
- 05:07pm Sep 27, 2002 EST (#
4595 of 4617) ~~~~ It got understood and exposed
OP-EDs Understanding a history of the now is important for
the future:
POWER "" Maybe our national faith in free markets is so
strong that people just don't want to talk about a case in
which markets went spectacularly bad. But I'm still puzzled by
the lack of attention, not just to the disaster, but to hints
of a cover-up. After all, this was the most spectacular abuse
of market power since the days of the robber barons — and the
feds did nothing to stop it.
And if FERC was strangely ineffective during the California
crisis, what can we expect from other agencies? Across the
government, from the Interior Department and the Forest
Service to the Environmental Protection Agency, former
lobbyists for the regulated industries now hold key positions
— and they show little inclination to make trouble for their
once and future employers.
So we ignore California's experience at our peril. It's all
too likely to be the shape of things to come. ... Iraqis seem
to have no love for Saddam
Iraq will hide its army within its cities ... some day,
they will have to come to the ground. And then we'll be
waiting. Every Iraqi has a gun in his house
- 05:30pm Sep 27, 2002 EST (#
4596 of 4617) "Quae cum ita sunt" Caesar's Gallic
Prioners. What are prioners?
Are they ers of a prior post?
Conversely, are afters the ers at the aft,(back) of the
boat? I'm so confused.
Of course, ers, whatever they may be are the key element of
an operational Ballistic Defense System. they are an important
element in connecting the Dots, (one of my favorite movie
- 05:56pm Sep 27, 2002 EST (#
4597 of 4617)
9/27/02 5:30pm
Even Enstein, while not as busy as you mazza presumably
are, still found it usefull to think beiong the creation of
A-bomb and about the consequences and implications.
We are now the part of the nation that finaly openly
declared its intentions to rule and reshape the world by any
means including nuclear arms. And NMD is supposed to play a
very significant (prior to 9/11 used to be seen as the
central) role in this America Uber Alles "game".
So please, don't be so upset seeing some less busy then you
people try to imagine this "new world order" we all will be
directly or not, responsible for.
- 07:00pm Sep 27, 2002 EST (#
4598 of 4617) "Quae cum ita sunt" Caesar's Gallic
"...Let every nation know. . .whether it wishes us well or
ill. . . that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet
any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure
the survival and the success of liberty." JFK's inaugural
address Jan 20, 1961.
Inaugural Address
It's not about America. It's about LIBERTY! We have fought
and died for LIBERTY! I believe that JFK is rolling over in
his grave because of Teddy's mismash speech in the Senate
today. I would have cast my first vote for JFK were it not for
that dismal day in Dallas! JFK and Wubya have alot in common
when it comes to defending the US from all foes who would take
away our LIBERTY!
(19 following messages)
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Missile Defense