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(4511 previous messages)
- 09:31pm Sep 24, 2002 EST (#
4512 of 4536)
The Great and the Go[o]d, Signatories to the Appeal of
October 2, 2000
Maya Angelou, Poet, Author Kenneth J. Arrow, Nobel
Laureate, Economics
Marc Benioff, Chairman,
Hans Bethe, Nobel Peace Laureate; Physicist, Manhattan
Eli Broad, Chairman and CEO, Sun America, Inc.
Pierce Brosnan, Actor, Producer
Betty Bumpers, Founder and President, Peace Links
President Jimmy Carter
Liz Claiborne, Co-Founder, Liz Claiborne, Inc.
Joe Costello, Chairman & CEO, think3
Senator Alan Cranston, President, Global Security Institute
Walter Cronkite
James Crowe, CEO, Level 3 Communications, Inc.
Admiral William J. Crowe Jr., U.S.N. (Ret.), Director,
BioPort Corp.; Former Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
Lester Crown, Chairman, Executive Committee, General
Dynamics Corporation
Rob DeSantis, Co-Founder, Executive Vice President &
Chief Marketing Officer, Ariba, Inc.
Alan M. Dershowitz, Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law,
Harvard Law School
John Doerr, Partner, Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield & Byers
Michael Douglas, Actor, Producer, UN Messenger of Peace
Richard Dreyfuss, Actor
Peter Drucker, Writer; Professor of Social Science and
Management, Claremont Graduate School
Gloria Duffy, Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense
Freeman J. Dyson, Professor Emeritus Mathematical Physics
and Astrophysics, Institute for Advanced Study
Marian Wright Edelman, President, Children’s Defense Fund
Mia Farrow, Mother, Actress
Joe Firmage, CEO, Project Voyager; Former CEO, US Web
Harrison Ford, Actor
Seth Glickenhaus, Sr. Partner, Glickenhaus & Co.
General Andrew Goodpaster, U.S.A. (Ret.), Former Supreme
Allied Commander, Europe
Robert Haas, Chairman of the Board, Levi-Strauss & Co.
William Hambrecht, Chairman and CEO, W.R. Hambrecht &
David Hamburg, President Emeritus, Carnegie Corporation of
New York
Alan Hassenfeld, Chairman and CEO, Hasbro, Inc.
Francis Hatch
Peter deCourcy Hero, President, Community Foundation
Silicon Valley
Father Theodore Hesburgh, Former President, University of
Notre Dame
Arnold Hiatt, Former CEO, Stride Rite
Dee Hock, Founder and CEO Emeritus, VISA
General Charles Horner, U.S.A.F. (Ret.), Commander,
Coalition Air Forces, Desert Storm; Former Commander in Chief,
Bill Joy, Co-Founder and Chief Scientist, Sun Microsystems
Jerry Kaplan, Co-Chair,
Henry Kaufman, President, Henry Kaufman Company
Coretta Scott King, Founding President, Martin Luther King
Jr. Center
Michael King, Former CEO, King World
Steven Kirsch, Founder, Infoseek; Chairman and Founder,
Ann Landers, Columnist
Gary and Laura Lauder, General Partners, Lauder Partners
William Laughlin, Former Chair, Saga Corporation
Elisabeth Leach, Chairman, Peace Links
Ambassador James Leonard, Director, Washington Council on
Nonproliferation; Former Assistant Director, U.S. Arms Control
and Disarmament Agency
Kathy Levinson, Former President and COO, E*Trade
Robert McNamara, Former Secretary of Defense
Mike Medavoy, Chairman, Phoenix Pictures
Harry Motro, Chairman, CEO and Founder,
Ambassador Paul Nitze
Admiral William A. Owens, U.S.N. (Ret.), Co-CEO, Teledesic;
Former Vice-Chair, Joint Chiefs of Staff
Kim Polese, Chairman, Chief Strategy Officer and
Co-Founder, Marimba, Inc.
Sally Ride, Astronaut; President,
Anita Roddick, Chairman, The Body Shop
Tom Rubin, President, Focus Media, Inc.
George F. Russell Jr., Chairman of the Board, Frank Russell
Vincent Ryan, CEO, Schooner Capital Corporation
Robert Saldich, Former CEO, Raychem
Marion Sandler, Chairman and CEO, World Savings and Loan
Jared Schutz Polis, President, JPS International
Sarah Sewall, Former Deputy Assistant Se
- 10:00pm Sep 24, 2002 EST (#
4513 of 4536)
Good God! Some people do care ....
- 10:05pm Sep 24, 2002 EST (#
4514 of 4536)
Showalter posted the full list here rshow55
9/23/02 8:11pm - carefully and caringly.
- 10:06pm Sep 24, 2002 EST (#
4515 of 4536)
It's the economy, stupid
As one dealer in London said: "There's a continual drip,
drip of bad news every day, and no sign of much good news
anywhere on the horizon."
pushed oil prices to over $30 a barrel on fears that war
could disrupt oil supplies
latest downward revision, the bank (of England) earlier
this month downgraded its US forecast to 2.3% from 2.8% in
Fifty-three Labour MPs rebel despite Blair's assurance:
'Our purpose is No one wants military conflict'
FISK - war crimes 1972 - WOMEN
(21 following messages)
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Missile Defense