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(4420 previous messages)
- 02:09pm Sep 19, 2002 EST (#
4421 of 4427)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
There's a problem with human beings. If you tell them
enough lies - - big enough lies - coherently enough - often
enough -- very often they come to believe. The Nazis were
masters of that, CIA learned everything they knew and worked
to improve it - and things need to be checked - -
including things where most Americans now trust their
government completely - though they shouldn't.
There is a big reason why discussions of the US
"missile defense" program needs to include discussion about
the mind, and mindsets -and problems of communication.
That is that psychological warfare - - organized
deception -- fraud, has been an essential part of US
military-industrial arrangements for a long time - and was
instrumental to the way the Cold War played out. But it has
been a long time since - and patterns that may have been
justified (if risky) before the fall of the Soviet Union are
justified no longer.
MD152 rshow55
3/3/02 11:56am . . . "voters would have to understand
patterns where there has been much effort, over half a
century, to conceal and muddle some fundamentals.
Casablanca is common ground, something culturally
literate Americans know -- and that people the whole world
over understand, at the level of sympathy, and intellectually,
too. I used the movie as a point of departure in PSYCHWAR,
CASABLANCA, AND TERROR , which tells a key story about the
Cold War, interesting to American, Russians, and others.
Especially the core story part, from posting 13
to posting 23
There is a comment in #26 that I feel some may find
interesting, as well...
Movie - script - making it 'work'
An illustrated script of Casablanca
A false and dangerous dream: rshow55
3/3/02 12:10pm
We need to explain what has happened - - nations all
over the world have a stake in this - - and we have to find
common ground, shared space, with people as they are --
including people who don't read the NYT:
Huntin' for Nascar-Lovin', Moon-Pie-Eatin',
Bluegrass-Listenin', Shotgun-totin' Democrats By Matt Bai
The "missile defense" boondoggle could be expained, and
explained clearly - to people who have the sophisication that
it takes to appreciate NASCAR. I don't think these folks like
to be misled, lied to, betrayed any more than anybody else.
But they need to understand - - and for that - people need to
take the trouble to find shared space with them. Right now, a
lot of these folks trust the Bush administration completely -
- - but lies are unstable - and these folks don't like people
making fools of them. If they were on a jury, looking at what
the "missile defense" programs can do, what the people
supporting the programs have claimed, and what has been spent,
they'd be angry . These folks know something about the
value of money - and have good sense - once they start paying
- 02:13pm Sep 19, 2002 EST (#
4422 of 4427) Good bye Hampton Stevens - - My
tagline was erroneous.
And the beat goes on.
- 02:56pm Sep 19, 2002 EST (#
4423 of 4427)
For better or worst, but I am not a "Putin stand-in".
I have no idea what is on his mind. I even don't follow his
public statements.
Sorry if that may cause a dissapointment.
Alex Feldman.
- 02:58pm Sep 19, 2002 EST (#
4424 of 4427)
(3 following messages)
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Missile Defense