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(4405 previous messages)
- 10:31am Sep 19, 2002 EST (#
4406 of 4411)
Is Disney along with Starbucks and McDonalds a potent
symbol of US cultural imperialism?,3604,794029,00.html
Are you pouring comic book gasoline on the comic book fire?
- 10:39am Sep 19, 2002 EST (#
4407 of 4411)
The moral case against disney.
Oh dear, they're exposing children to witchcraft. What
could a Christian fundamentalist learn from contemplating
Disney? How could this conflict be resolved?
- 10:41am Sep 19, 2002 EST (#
4408 of 4411)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
9/19/02 10:02am
Very interesting question!
And of course, some bloody fights are unavoidable.
Fine rhetoric in
Is it naive to imagine that many bloody
fights are avoidable by contemplating Disney?
and contemplating Disney can never be more than part
of the story.
But I believe that problems with communication - and
problems about facts - are big contributors to
situations that lead to fights.
A lot of other people, who have known a lot about fighting,
have thought so, too. FDR was one of them. Eisenhower was
FDR: 4297 rshow55
9/13/02 6:15pm
- 10:48am Sep 19, 2002 EST (#
4409 of 4411)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
9/19/02 10:39am
How could this conflict be resolved?
It is neither necessary nor desireable for all conflicts
and disagreements to be "resolved" in every sense of the word.
But they can be contained. They can stop short of violence.
Killing isn't always necessary - and it isn't naive to
believe that.
Killing is usually not necessary.
Fighting is not the first thing to try.
For instance Arming the Arms Inspectors By JESSICA
is a fine suggestion - that could and should be built on - -
and not naive at all.
- 11:00am Sep 19, 2002 EST (#
4410 of 4411)
Thankyou Robert and of course I agree with you. I just
wonder whether you can pursuade everyone else. Re. Arming the
Arms Inspectors; the US will not earn much respect anywhere
whilst it is spending more money on weapons than the next 9
countries put together, while it flouts international treaties
on justice and the environment, while it preaches free trade
but is protectionist, and while its pitiful 0.1% foreign aid
budget goes mostly to Israel.
They cannot take a moral lead, they cannot make the world a
better place.
(1 following message)
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Missile Defense