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(4232 previous messages)
- 10:37am Sep 8, 2002 EST (#
4233 of 4250)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
The paper is superb today. I was struck by much or it, but
perhaps especially by
9/11/00: Air Congestion, a Hot Enron and Unhung
Americans in that fall of 2000 were poised
to suffer three cataclysmic shocks over the next year that
would challenge their sense of invulnerability.
Thinking about 9/11/00, and chances wasted between then
and 9/11/2001 got me to thinking back about wasted chances
over a decade.
9/11/1990 the Soviet Union was at the edge of collapse.
By late August 1991 it had collapsed.
We didn't have an end game.
Things have gone far, far worse, and terribly differently
from what we've hoped. The agony of Russia since that time is
a great tragedy - a larger world tragedy than the losses of
our 9/11 . And risks, agonies, and lost chances continue.
In many ways, many of the people involved don't know
how to do any better.
Some "models" are breaking -- some non-games played
out on the basis of old models have gone very badly - and we
need to learn to do better.
I've been looking back, and wishing that I could talk (and
lchic could talk) to Bill Casey and Steve Kline.
Casey would have been appalled and saddened by much that
has happened.
From Powell Defends a First Strike as Iraq Option By
Secretary Powell, who served as President
Reagan's national security adviser and as chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff under the first President Bush, said
his government experiences were like bookends for two major
events: the end of the cold war and the start of the
campaign against terrorism.
Sept. 11 changed the nature of American
diplomacy, he said, by showing the need "to break the old
model of super-power conflict, where everything was measured
against this chess board of the red side of the map and the
blue side of the map, Communism versus democracy."
He said the terrorist attacks shattered
cold-war assumptions about America's relations with China
and Russia, opening the door to cooperation among the
nuclear rivals against a shared enemy: stateless terrorists
who are seeking their own biological and nuclear weapons.
"Here was something that had nothing to do
with any of the old cold-war models,"
We need models that can work -- we need end games
that lead to stable and humanly decent outcomes.
A big part of that will be learning what human limitations
are. And learning to deal with them in ways that can
4183 rshow55
9/4/02 7:02pm ... 4200 rshow55
9/5/02 9:54pm 4204-5 lchic
9/6/02 5:45am
Smart People Believe Weird Things Rarely does anyone
weigh facts before deciding what to believe By Michael Shermer
is a wonderful, sobering piece. Setting some conclusions
aside, Sermer states some facts that we need to accept
about human nature, human logic, and human passions. And
We need to learn to check facts, and forsee readily
forseeable but unpleasant consequences of "easy" actions - -
even though it does not come naturally.
- 12:44am Sep 9, 2002 EST (#
4234 of 4250)
- 11:41am Sep 9, 2002 EST (#
4235 of 4250)
JOE KLEIN: We journalists have the tendency to think of
Democrats, Clinton's party, as being children who were running
amok in the White House and Republicans being grown-ups and
very competent corporate sorts.
These guys have been incredibly incompetent in ways that I
haven't seen in 30 years of covering politics.
I mean, the fact that war plans leaked, that there were
duelling, you know, strategies in the administration, the fact
that George Bush-the-elder's friends have all come out against
George Bush-the-younger's apparent policy.
I think that this has been really disastrous, and I think
that the way that we've acted toward our allies and in the
world on a day-to-day-to-day basis hasn't been very
professional either.
(15 following messages)
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Missile Defense