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(4145 previous messages)
- 07:41am Sep 3, 2002 EST (#
4146 of 4154)
It seems to me that I'm doing just exactly what Bill Casey
would have wanted - for the welfare and honor of the United
States, and for human decency, here and all over the world.
And things may be unfolding well. Some problems need to be
adressed, and fixed.
Looks to me like that may be possible. In a way that would
make me, and "the average reader of the New York Times"
I'm not an especially "radical" figure - - you might
notice, or search, how often I quote Rudyard Kipling - - a
conservative. Who believed in telling the truth, and not
missing the obvious things.
There are an enormous number of things about the United
States that I'm very proud of - and want to preserve. The way
to perserve them is to stand for them - when that's necessary.
Maybe Cooper was just "joshing" about his connections with
Condoleeza Rice, the CIA, and the current president of the
United States. There ought to be ways to check.
I'm waiting a bit, and waiting for my other computer,
before writing more. I felt an urge to back up some files
before doing much more.
It seems to me that this thread could work very well
as pretrial discovery.
And might, with just a few things done, be of wide
interest. When the NYT published the Pentagon Papers - it was
a dreadful job - took a lot of ink - now, an 8mm disk might
carry out the same distribution job - for a distribution cost
probably less than 50 cents/paper. Just a thought. Maybe
"delusions of grandeur" -- but a sign of how technical
possibilities are making things possible.
If "Cooper" wasn't "joshing" in wrcooper
9/2/02 8:37pm . . a chain of evidence leading right up to
the Oval office - and the key players of the military
industial complex -- is close at hand.
If the journalistic resources brought to bear on the ENRON
case were put to following up leads on this thread - -
Watergate - - might look small -- and much of the unfinished
business of Watergate might be resolved. Along with much of
the unfinished business of the Cold War.
If world leaders started asking questions - a good deal
could happen - - including some things that might have some
influence not only on House and Senate elections -- but also
an influence on the decency of most incumbents - of both
- 08:45am Sep 3, 2002 EST (#
4147 of 4154)
Creativity Bibliography (4)
- 08:52am Sep 3, 2002 EST (#
4148 of 4154)
Important article on BMD in today's Washington Post:
(6 following messages)
New York Times on the Web Forums
Missile Defense