New York Times on the Web Forums
Technology has always found its greatest consumer in a
nation's war and defense efforts. Since the last attempts at a
"Star Wars" defense system, has technology changed
considerably enough to make the latest Missile Defense
initiatives more successful? Can such an application of
science be successful? Is a militarized space inevitable,
necessary or impossible?
Read Debates, a new
Web-only feature culled from Readers' Opinions, published
every Thursday.
(4140 previous messages)
- 09:19pm Sep 2, 2002 EST (#
4141 of 4141)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
9/2/02 8:37pm . . . so my "opinions represent a
dangerous aberration that requires the strongest possible
Taking that sort of position - and knowing how indirect
enronation is - how much can be subverted - and how
much stolen?
This thread may well work for pretrial discovery.
And we have an audience.
Some of my personal background - and to some degree the
story of my somewhat unusual life, is set out in readable form
in these links (3894-3904):
8/22/02 2:29pm rshow55
8/22/02 2:31pm rshow55
8/22/02 2:37pm rshow55
8/22/02 2:37pm rshow55
8/22/02 2:38pm rshow55
8/22/02 2:42pm rshow55
8/22/02 2:45pm rshow55
8/22/02 2:51pm rshow55
8/22/02 2:53pm rshow55
8/22/02 2:59pm rshow55
8/22/02 3:12pm
Especially 3902 rshow55
8/22/02 2:53pm
New York Times on the Web Forums
Missile Defense
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