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(4134 previous messages)
- 07:23pm Sep 2, 2002 EST (#
4135 of 4140)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
Piaget’s Developmental Stages from the
Encyclopedia of Instructional Technology is excellent.
"Infants mainly make use of senses and motor capabilities
to experience the environment. For instance, if infants cannot
see or touch an object, they stop trying to find it. . . . The
characteristic limitation of this stage is ‘thinking only by
. . .
The second stage in Piaget’s theory of development
coincides the preschool years. Children start to use symbols
such as language to represent objects. For instance, the child
understands the word “apple” although a real apple is not
seen. However, the Preoperational child still learns from
concrete evidence while adults can learn in abstract way.
. Image 1: The Preoperational child lacks
the concept of number conservation.
. .
"Additionally, the Preoperational child is likely to center
on only one dimension of an event and ignore other important
details. Also, children concentrate more on the static
features of an event than on the transformations from one
state to another.
"Last, children in the Preoperational period at times will
see some relationships between particular cases while in
actuality there is none.
Concrete Operational Stages (7-11 Years)
"The next stage generally represents the elementary grade
years. The concrete operational child begins to think
logically. Operations are associated with personal experience.
Operations are in concrete situation, but not in abstract
. Image 2: The concrete operational child
is capable of reversible thought only if they operate
physical objects.
"Concrete operations allow children to classify several
classes into a bigger group or to combine a number of classes
in any order. Although objects are moved or reordered, no
change takes place. . . . The limitation of the third stage of
cognitive development is that operations are only carried out
on concrete objects, and limited to two characteristics at the
same time."
- - -
Are there limits to what Mazza can think about, or
Could it be that there are some ideas that he can't get, no
matter how often he looks at them?
Could the American people be reduced to such a state, very
Could this be the human condition, too often?
- - -
If so, that would go a long way toward explaining how the
truth can be, too often "somehow, too weak."
- 07:28pm Sep 2, 2002 EST (#
4136 of 4140)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
When information flows are degraded, and other patterns are
manipulated, can we be reduced to thinking and acting like
Attack On The Ad-Man
This trumpeter of nothingness, employed To keep our
reason dull and null and void. This man of wind and froth
and flux will sell The wares of any who reward him well.
Praising whatever he is paid to praise, He hunts for
ever-newer, smarter ways To make the gilt seen gold; the
shoddy, silk; To cheat us legally; to bluff and bilk
By methods which no jury can prevent Because the law's
not broken, only bent.
This mind for hire, this mental prostitute Can tell the
half-lie hardest to refute; Knows how to hide an
inconvenient fact And when to leave a doubtful claim
unbacked; Manipulates the truth but not too much, And
if his patter needs the Human Touch, Skillfully artless,
artlessly naive, Wears his convenient heart upon his
He uses words that once were strong and fine, Primal as
sun and moon and bread and wine, True, honourable,
honoured, clear and keen, And leaves them shabby, worn,
diminished, mean. He takes ideas and trains them to engage
In the long little wars big combines wage… He keeps
his logic loose, his feelings flimsy; Turns eloquence to
cant and wit to whimsy; Trims language till it fits his
clients, pattern And style's a glossy tart or limping
He studies our defences, finds the cracks And where the
wall is weak or worn, attacks. lie finds the fear that's
deep, the wound that's tender, And mastered,
outmanouevered, we surrender. We who have tried to choose
accept his choice And tired succumb to his untiring voice.
The dripping tap makes even granite soften We trust
the brand-name we have heard so often And join the queue
of sheep that flock to buy; We fools who know our folly,
you and I.
A.S.J. Tessimond.
(4 following messages)
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Missile Defense