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(4105 previous messages)
- 06:09pm Sep 1, 2002 EST (#
4106 of 4109)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
Here's a very hard lesson - a lesson that may be, in some
ways, an unlearnable lesson. Piaget showed a number of
things that kids below a certain age just cannot learn
for themselves, or use logically. Here's a kind of blindness
that, at one level or another, we all have.
All any human being can ever do is construct
patterns from available information - and check them. The
pattern formation can be right or wrong - and there is
no way to tell, in the end, except to check the
checkable. That's not a point that distinguishes sanity
and insanity. It is the human condition.
People get into trouble, and stay in trouble about many
things because they don't know it.
For example, based on what I know, I think it likely that
gisterme is either Condoleezza Rice, or a member of her
team. That isn't something I know - it is an inference. I am
sure that someone posts as gisterme claims both a lot
of knowledge about military and high political affairs, and
who also, from time to time, acts as if s/he has authority.
Before March 2002, for example, there were some rather
technical, and emphatic, discussions of the word "treason."
And there's been quite a lot of technical discussion -- who
ever gisterme is, s/he works at posting.
1254 rshow55
4/11/02 7:32am , for instance, refers to postings taking
hard effort, and if s/he lives in the United States - hard
effort at an inconvenient time for most people.
The following citations are lists, each link corresponding
to 50 postings from gisterme - the bolded ones since
March 2 of this year. I have them all. About 90% of them (more
than 700) are after May 12, 2001,
- - and from gisterme's first posting it was clear that
gisterme was acting as this thread's "Bush
administration Sr. advisor stand-in" There is good reason
to think that gisterme was aware of
2570 rshow55
6/17/02 8:09am ... 2471 rshow55
6/17/02 8:09am
2572 rshow55
6/17/02 8:11am ... 2573 rshow55
6/17/02 8:12am 2574 rshow55
6/17/02 8:12am ... 2575 rshow55
6/17/02 8:13am 2576 rshow55
6/17/02 8:14am ... 2577 rshow55
6/17/02 8:14am 2578 rshow55
6/17/02 8:14am ... 2579 rshow55
6/17/02 8:15am 2580 rshow55
6/17/02 8:16am ... 2581 rshow55
6/17/02 8:16am 2582 rshow55
6/17/02 8:17am ... 2583 rshow55
6/17/02 8:18am 2584 rshow55
6/17/02 8:18am ... 2585 rshow55
6/17/02 8:19am 2586 rshow55
6/17/02 8:20am ...
There have been some postings from gisterme since,
some of them powerful and much appreciated.
- 06:16pm Sep 1, 2002 EST (#
4107 of 4109)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
It seems likely to me, from some things gisterme has
said, and an angry response to references about Stanford, and
deans, that gisterme is Condoleezza Rice.
Politicians or journalists could easily check it. They
might have good reasons to. I don't care that much.
Gisterme has made the interesting postings
gisterme has posted.
Whoever gisterme is, s/he works hard -- and when
Putin and Bush were meeting last year - was active, minute by
minute, working on what seemed to me as "spin control." If
gisterme is not affiliated with the administration --
s/he's an impressive loyalist indeed.
I might also be wrong about my guess that kangdawei , who
posted about 80 times in August and September last year was
Ann Coulter - though she did put Coulter's web site below her
All anybody can do is "connect the dots" - make patterns,
and then check them.
The checking part if very difficult for people to
acknowledge. I've been resting mostly today, but thinking
about the reasons, too. How can people be so very smart
sometimes - and so stupid other times?
That's Plato's problem.
A major concern people have had for 2500+ years - and a
question linked to many, maybe most stories that make the news
to this day.
As for the point I've made, that it is about 1000 to a
million times easier to defeat the BMD systems I've seen than
build them - there's been a lot of detail about that,
undisputed for a long time. So much that I'm taking my time
thinking about how to present it. It has been carefully
presented already. MD84 rshow55
3/2/02 11:52am links to a lot of that discussion.
(2 following messages)
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Missile Defense