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(4031 previous messages)
- 06:03am Aug 31, 2002 EST (#
4032 of 4045)
Innovation (1)
The seven steps for 'lightening strategies for innovation'
/ Zangwill
1. Make innovation the strategy
innovation improves efficiency $cost$down$ to the extent
that strategy is reshaped 2. Establish foundations
Develop foundation competencies - knowledge &
technology; create new corporate culture, planning,
institute best practices (benchmarking) 3. Eradicate
To half product development time and cost lesson fumbles
of 'rework, changes, delays, bottlenecks , admin delays,
approval waits' 4. Place customer first
Produce products people 'want' 5. Develop a business
Innovation should make 'big picture' & 'total
business picture' sense 6. Design the product -
involves co-operative inhouse communication re
marketing/engineering/manufacturing with parallel processing
7. Improve continuously
systematic analysis enables
- 06:05am Aug 31, 2002 EST (#
4033 of 4045)
Looking more closely at step four:
wrt MD if the 'customer/client' were interpreted as the
receiver of the product ... then what market research has been
conducted to determine if the folks who 'get' eg 'the cluster
bombs' are getting them to the exact design and intensity
required ?!
- 06:07am Aug 31, 2002 EST (#
4034 of 4045)
Looking more closely at step four:
wrt MD if the 'customer/client' were interpreted as the
receiver of the product ... then what market research has been
conducted to determine if the folks who 'get' eg 'the cluster
bombs' are getting them to the exact design and intensity
required ?!
Would step seven;
continuous improvement be then analysed simply as
No Thanks!
- 06:14am Aug 31, 2002 EST (#
4035 of 4045)
Looking at the seven steps wrt an innovately improved
approach to reading --- (Teens and Prisoners - not having
grasped by conventional disorganised method) then:
1. Innovation is the high frequency word approach.
2. Delivered by those trained to methodology.
3. Streamline approach re materials, delivery method and
target clients.
4. Build the program to meet the 'unmet needs' of the
5. Develop re 'big picture delivery' with matching business
strategy in place.
6. Design pre-reading product
7. Subject it to feedback for continuous improvement
Note the Deming influences throughout the above.
- 06:20am Aug 31, 2002 EST (#
4036 of 4045)
Raising the right question at the right time is the
skill of the creative facilitator - Kao
- 06:27am Aug 31, 2002 EST (#
4037 of 4045) Earth vs <^> <^>
......or the clever obstructionist...isn't that right,
- 06:28am Aug 31, 2002 EST (#
4038 of 4045)
Obstructionists raise the wrong question at the wrong time!
- 06:31am Aug 31, 2002 EST (#
4039 of 4045)
p.s. No such thing as a 'clever obstructionist' ... isn't
that right moniker-Muddle?!
(6 following messages)
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Missile Defense