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(4013 previous messages)
- 07:21pm Aug 29, 2002 EST (#
4014 of 4014)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
But, given what we know about psychology (from Piaget and
many other sources) -- some mistakes will occur with
monotonous, wrenching regularity.
If we understood that, we'd stop making the mistakes in
the cases that really matter enough for us to be careful
That might save millions of lives. Or even the whole world.
Checking is getting to be very important.
MD3998 rshow55
8/27/02 1:20pm includes this:
"If you're a kid, you won't be interested in a lot of
philosophy. You'll want to learn to read. How hard is that?
Maybe not nearly as hard as people think.. Maybe the phonics
advocates can get everything they've wanted, and more. And
maybe the "whole language" people can, too.
"I believe that essentially everything that the phonics
advocates want can be achieved - much more efficiently - if
kids learned drills like this.
3930 rshow55
8/23/02 4:52pm ... 3931 rshow55
8/23/02 4:55pm 3932 rshow55
8/23/02 5:00pm
"And achieved in a way that gives the "whole language"
people the things they want - the things everybody involved
wants - reading as a comfortable and efficient gateway to
pleasure, information and life.
"Key questions involved are discussed in 3970-3971 rshow55
8/24/02 6:44pm
C.P Snow speaks of
“ . . . the prime importance, in any crisis
of action, of being positive, and being able to explain it.
It is not so relevant whether you are right or wrong. That
is a second-order effect. . . " Science and
Government , Ch 11.
We can learn some things about induction that make the
issue of right and wrong less of a second order effect. On
issues of missile defense, and a lot of other issues, too.
MD4000-4001 rshow55
8/27/02 3:51pm
If I were able to get some security problems handled - I
could be more effective. Anyone with real power could probably
get on the phone and do that for me.
Back tomorrow.
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