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(3796 previous messages)
- 10:38am Aug 18, 2002 EST (#
3797 of 3810)
How a Story is Shaped
Basic Narrative Structure Is the Pattern
Consistent? Is This Always How It Works? What Else
Follows this Pattern? .
Discussed on this thread: 161 rshow55
3/3/02 4:34pm ... 169 rshow55
3/3/02 7:37pm 170-171 rshow55
3/3/02 7:48pm ... 172 almarst-2001
3/3/02 8:05pm 173 almarst-2001
3/3/02 8:08pm ... 174 almarst-2001
3/3/02 8:17pm 175 rshow55
3/3/02 8:25pm
Stories are so important! We need to look for ways
to get happy endings!
When stakes are high, solutions need to be beautiful - and
part of that is being practical - practical enough to be
graceful. lchic
8/18/02 9:40am is wonderful ! And very practical!
- 12:35pm Aug 18, 2002 EST (#
3798 of 3810)
"Story book fashion, then, were noses to grow with each
lie told ...... which sector of society would sport the
longest noses - where in the ranks and heirachy would nose
become Proboscis ?" lchic
8/18/02 10:01am
We might see a lot of long noses, a lot more tolerance of
lying than anyone would have imagined could have been
tolerated in public a hundred years ago. Or, in this
country, fifty years ago.
3689 rshow55
8/13/02 8:14am ... which copies
sets out Attack On The Ad-Man
. . . This man of wind and froth and flux
will sell . . .The wares of any who reward him well. . . .
Praising whatever he is paid to praise . . . He hunts for
ever-newer, smarter ways . . . To make the gilt seen gold;
the shoddy, silk; . . . To cheat us legally; to bluff and
bilk . . . By methods which no jury can prevent . . .
Because the law's not broken, only bent. . . . This mind for
hire, this mental prostitute . . . Can tell the half-lie
hardest to refute; . . . . Knows how to hide an inconvenient
fact . . . And when to leave a doubtful claim unbacked . . .
The Ad-Man is needed in our society. The media have to be
sensitive to this - both when the "ad-man" acts to sell
products, or acts to sell politicians and control media access
to them. But now, after so many battles won by the ad-man,
after so many triumphs of persuasive technique and self
serving action - the power has become too large - not
challenged enough. Now, when the truth matters - no one
imagines that checking can really be done.
The Ad-Man, in commerce and in politics, has had his own
way to an astounding extent.
We need insight on why to be concerned about this.
So do stakeholders in what we say and do, all over the world.
The basic fact that "everybody has a stake in right
answers on questions of fact that they have to use as
assumptions for what they say and do." has been
contested on this thread - very actively.
Looking at this thread the way I often do, as pretrial
discovery - - that would be one of the easiest and most
important things to show.
(12 following messages)
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Missile Defense