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(3712 previous messages)
- 07:21am Aug 14, 2002 EST (#3713
of 3722)
Science in the service of man ... via ... Petunias
"" ... This would mean that scientists could turn off
any gene at will.
A critical question was whether this would also work in the
cells of mammals, including those of man. If it did work, the
medical potential could be enormous. It would mean that we
could turn off genes involved in cancer, genes that allowed
viruses to infect cells, genes that were involved in tissue
rejection after transplant operations and, of course, genes of
viruses that had already managed to infect a healthy cell.
Last month came the first hard evidence that RNA
interference affected mammalian cells. Scientists have
managed, in the test tube, to make human cells resistant to
attack by the polio virus as well as the Aids virus, HIV.
Now the focus is on trying to find ways of introducing
these short strands of RNA directly into cells ....
- 08:08am Aug 14, 2002 EST (#3714
of 3722)
Foreign Policy Gap widens - Europe/United States 8th
August You can be warriors or wimps; or so say the
- 08:28am Aug 14, 2002 EST (#3715
of 3722)
In an attempt to boost public trust in government and
maintain control over the course of administrative reform,
President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree outlining the
general principles of ethical conduct for public officials,
calling on them to be professional, efficient and
The nonbinding three-page document, signed Monday and
released by the Kremlin's press service Tuesday, instructs
government officials to refrain from abusing their positions
of power, to avoid conflicts of interest and to remain
"politically neutral" in the interests of the public good.
"A civil servant ... must proceed on the premise that
recognizing, upholding and protecting the rights and freedoms
of people and citizens determine the main purpose and
substance" of his work, reads the document.
On paper, the decree addresses a major concern of ordinary
Russian citizens, who routinely find themselves at the mercy
of corrupt officials and endless bureaucratic rigmarole --
often blamed for stifling personal initiative and private
enterprise. .....
- 08:29am Aug 14, 2002 EST (#3716
of 3722)
8/14/02 2:37am .. some folks like funky ! Like a
lot of people, I struggle with the English language - but know
a good poem when I see one. MD3689 rshow55
8/13/02 8:14am
. I kinda liked the stuff I wrote after 3689, too.
I've got a little problem with the CIA and the government.
On the one hand, I've got concerns about the world blowing up,
and some unfinished business that I think makes the world
uglier than it has to be, and more dangerous. MD2539 rshow55
6/15/02 7:36am . . . MD2540 rshow55
6/15/02 7:44am Sometimes I feel a little like
Cassandra -- though I AM trying to be more coherent, and
persuade where Cassandra couldn't. Another thing is that the
government screwed me up - and they owe some of my old
investors something around forty million dollars. Sometimes
that irks me. Only a few minutes of our defense budget -- no
big thing -- but it makes a difference to me.
I've worked with some very distinguished help to collect
some of the "funky stuff" that's been put on this thread over
time in a CD MD3145-7 rshowalt
7/19/02 9:16am . . . and I'm working to get it in
distributable form. Making some headway about that. Could use
some of the adman's virtues. Condensation is hard. But getting
some of the stuff out widely will at least help me with my
security problems. I am trying to get the information in a
form that can interest news and movie people. When I
distribute it, seems like that'll go some way to solving a
security problem of mine - that has been tough for me and
folks who've had to deal with me. I know of an academic
project I might get funded, working with some good, well
credentialled folks, if I can get past those security
- 04:44pm Aug 14, 2002 EST (#3717
of 3722)
Note the first usage of the term ethnic here
shows the concept of 'other', ingroup and outgroup, us and
them, etc has been around for a long while, first recorded re
Jew ~ Gentile.
- 07:59pm Aug 14, 2002 EST (#3718
of 3722)
Louis Massiah was a fellow of this foundation in 1996
- 05:50am Aug 15, 2002 EST (#3719
of 3722) Earth vs <^> <^> <^>
Whatever, lchic
8/14/02 5:58am ......You've clearly cast your lot with the
skanks and scum of the world. There's a solitary cell waiting
for you at Camp X-Ray.
- 05:59am Aug 15, 2002 EST (#3720
of 3722)
Why not let Cheney book in there - his company is raking-in
the $$$$$$commission - or would there be a conflict of
(2 following messages)
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Missile Defense