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(3571 previous messages)
- 09:19pm Aug 8, 2002 EST (#3572
of 3578) 
The old Science in the News that was archived has
been eliminated. I'll miss it. Here are some old postings from
this thread that cited it.
rshowalter - 05:45pm May 25, 2001 EST (#4209 Robert
It seems to me that internet usages (perhaps with some
crowd control, but in the open, and adequately staffed ) offer
sensationally effective means of getting facts straight. And
getting differences clear.
rshowalter - 06:04pm May 25, 2001 EST (#4210 of
4213) Robert Showalter
SN1342: markk46b "Science in the News" 8/23/00 2:44am ...
SN1343: rshowalt "Science in the News" 8/23/00 7:31am "
....there's a phrase that I read once. Three words.
" Hitler went unchecked. "
The context was political and military. But facts and ideas
went unchecked too. Hitler subverted an entire society based
on nonsense and lies, many ornately detailed, and destroyed
much of the world in doing so. He hoped, in the senses that
matter to most of us, to destroy the whole world. In the ways
that mattered, he wasn't effectively checked at the level of
In the preface to Brecht's Galileo , there's something like
" It takes courage to face the fact that
sometimes the truth is defeated because the truth is,
somehow, too weak."
I find the idea that truth can be "somehow, too weak"
We need techniques and conventions that make it stronger.
Some techniques that would and could make it stronger have
been developed on this thread. MD1999 rshow55
5/4/02 10:39am
- 09:22pm Aug 8, 2002 EST (#3573
of 3578) 
To make these techniques effective, there would have to be
some funding. Not very much. Too much for the NYT, or any
newspaper, to fund without help. But a tiny amount of money,
compared to the stakes.
There may be ways, with small readjustments, sensible by
the standards of reasonable people, to get the resources
The US defense budget is now $1,200 + for every man woman
an child in the United States.
Certainly some of it is needed. How much of it? All of it?
Who actually believes that?
MUCH clearer information on the point could be
organized, in many ways, with essentially absolute certainty
on key issues of fact and proportion for less than a penny per
That would be enough to permit all interested parties to to
collect information and say "here, look for yourself" .
. . at the level of fact, and the level of ideas, as well.
With umpires as needed.
Using patterns for "collecting the dots" in space and time
worked out on this thread, and elsewhere.
Some people with status, if they wished, could get the
resources needed with one or two phone calls.
- 10:16pm Aug 8, 2002 EST (#3574
of 3578)
The Cold War apparatus:
Read these through and it appears there was a gap
....... Showalter
- Excellent citations rshow55
8/8/02 9:07pm (and following posts)
- 10:30pm Aug 8, 2002 EST (#3575
of 3578)
200-500% higher than in the civil population!
Fort Bragg
Just imagine what this is like for the children!
Raises the question - is there a domeistic-price to be paid
when citizens are put into the pay of a government to go out
and eliminate others - elsewhere - figures in holistic
accounting !
- 10:32pm Aug 8, 2002 EST (#3576
of 3578)
Competition not cooperation is seen as an American Ideal
Alister Cooke 'Letter from America' looked for some good in
his adopted homeland
- 11:26pm Aug 8, 2002 EST (#3577
of 3578)
Violence - USA study -
``They become desensitized and watch more,'' Walsh said.
``Concerns about a growing culture of 'incivility' in society
may be starting with our children.''
- 11:35pm Aug 8, 2002 EST (#3578
of 3578)
Machivellian Strategy - 'calling your bluff',2763,771599,00.html
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Missile Defense
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