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(3455 previous messages)
- 06:56pm Aug 3, 2002 EST (#3456
of 3489)
Mazza, getting this matter of identities straight is worth
a lot of money, I believe.
Perhaps not to me directly, but to the AEA investors and
creditors, who were innnocent bystanders (and mostly
Republican innocent bystanders) when Casey pulled the plug on
the AEA financing.
Johns Hopkins lost a lot of money, too.
Considering interest accrued, something more than 30
million dollars is involved. Enough for me to pay attention
to. A matter of honor, as well.
Enough, perhaps, even to give you an interest in
setting out the truth. Depending on how you're being motivated
and (I'd guess) compenstated.
Here are references that you've perhaps seen before.
MD3387 rshow55
8/1/02 1:53pm
2115 rshow55
5/9/02 9:34am
2765 rshow55
6/29/02 7:59am
- 06:58pm Aug 3, 2002 EST (#3457
of 3489)
Isn't he looking at PATTERNS - a sort of maths approach
..... using data from a variety of similarly-situated
societies, seeking relationships that vary systematically
between countries, statically and over time. Would
mAzzA feel this was a waste of time - one wonders!
- 07:01pm Aug 3, 2002 EST (#3458
of 3489)
Thinking about the 'pattern' of the USA wrt government --
is it really a replacement of 'King and Court' with 'President
and Administration' .. this sets it apart from democracies
where the President is most often a figurehead and the real
work, real control, real auditing and accounting, are done in
Parliament that has direct response to the people.
Just a thought!
- 07:07pm Aug 3, 2002 EST (#3459
of 3489)
I don't want to steal Lou's thunder, but I suspect the site
he posted was for the Texas chapter of the National Space
Society, of which he is the president.
Scroll down the page where you will see his name and
contact information.
- 07:11pm Aug 3, 2002 EST (#3460
of 3489)
BTW, Lou wrote an interesting proposal for a national space
university that was published in Ad Astra. Read it at
- 07:18pm Aug 3, 2002 EST (#3461
of 3489)
"" a key political problem in dominant-power countries is
the blurring of the line between the state and the ruling
party (or ruling political forces). The state's main
assets--that is to say, the state as a source of money, jobs,
public information (via state media), and police power--are
gradually put in the direct service of the ruling party .... /
transition paradigm
Where on the road to democracy lies the USA?
- 07:23pm Aug 3, 2002 EST (#3462
of 3489)
I hope you didn't mind my posting this, Lou, but you've
provided links before to the North Texas NSS chapter site and
to your article, so I figured, what the hell?
I've also posted my email address, but neither Showalter or
his shadow bothered to test it by emailing me. Figures. They
prefer living in their delusional fantasy world, I think. I
also gave them a way to verify that I was in Chicago, because
my email address is available only to cable
subscribers of RCN Chicago. Maybe they think that that elusive
"mind-effing" International Man of Mystery, George Johnson, is
a super spook who maintains false identities across the
Hey, you aren't really me, are you? Are we George Johnson?
Kalter? Are you we, too? Diract, are you us?
I'll probably go to hell for making fun of this guy. He
needs help, not heckling.
- 07:25pm Aug 3, 2002 EST (#3463
of 3489)
Showalter was all set to call in at RCN HQ Chicago ... then
WRCOOPER had to admit he didn't work there -- was only an
email subscriber -- Cooper is a fiction.
Showalter hasn't been on the board to say he got that call
from mAzzA today - as yet - one has therefore to assume that
the moniker mAzzA is fictional - and the person(s) behind it
are less than genuine.
- 07:28pm Aug 3, 2002 EST (#3464
of 3489)
You moron. I never said I worked at RCN Chicago. I said I'm
a television and Internet cable subscriber of RCN Chicago.
That means I have to live in Chicago, which I do, and I'm no
fiction. Though I do write some fiction. You'd make a good
character for a story. The psycho Internet geek.
- 07:36pm Aug 3, 2002 EST (#3465
of 3489)
Your 'corrected' post said as you say (above) - your inital
post (later 'cut' by you) said as I say!
(24 following messages)
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Missile Defense