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(3331 previous messages)
- 11:40pm Jul 28, 2002 EST (#3332
of 3339)
Maybe they're thinking.
MD3183 rshowalt
7/20/02 8:25pm
And ESPECIALLY - with respect to issues of "paradigm
conflict" and "connecting the dots" Our Fathers of Old
People's heads get full of "explanations" -- and have since
history began... Those explanations can be totally wrong.
Often have been. Yet ornate and convincing to the people who
held them. And, often enough, held them with grisly results.
We have to learn to check the checkable. Because
some patterns are much better than others.
MD2638 rshow55
6/20/02 12:56pm
MD115 rshow55
3/2/02 6:33pm
There have been times in the past where the truth has been
"somehow, too weak."
Here is a piece on one of the most wrenching of those times
-- when there was failure to communicate the Holocaust (part
of a larger failure to stop Hitler.)
On nukes, a similar failure could end the world.
I've been afraid that the risks of that have been, and remain,
great. We need to do better. Lest the world end. I
think we can.
MD116 rshow55
3/2/02 6:34pm includes this:
"Here are some references, to the
Riley-Showalter paradigm thread, Paradigm Shift ....
whose getting there? . . . that I think describe, in a
new and clearer way, how paradigm conflict works.
Before we worked this out, though I spent a lot of time
writing and lobbying on NYT boards, I had no way to "come
in" according to Casey's instructions. I didn't know
After I was touched and guided by lchic's
brilliance, patience, and grace, I finally felt that I did
know enough. And so, in September 2000, I tried to "come in"
-- and have been trying ever since.
out for tonight.
- 06:02am Jul 29, 2002 EST (#3333
of 3339) Earth vs <^> <^> <^>
7/28/02 11:40pm
Speaking of lchic, how can you be "touched and guided by
lchic's brilliance, patience, and grace..."??? All she's doing
is inputing leftwing paranoia into Google and posting the most
inflammatory links. She certainly isn't graceful...she has the
insolence to refer to other posters as "monikers"...even after
I gave her a leading part in a short story installment I'm
featuring in the Space Exploration Forum. What kind of
gratitude is THAT?!?!?
One more thing......does rshow55=rshowalt ???
- 06:04am Jul 29, 2002 EST (#3334
of 3339) Earth vs <^> <^> <^>
I suspect lchic=lunarchick......
Yes...YESSS!!! A search reveals very similar material from
such an entity...THIS YEAR!!! Hmmmmmm......?!?!? Velly
- 07:17am Jul 29, 2002 EST (#3335
of 3339)
Recent incidences of plane accidents relate not to 'bad
luck' ... rather ERROR and poor planning.
Showing a reason to keep apace with training within a
quality management framework.
- 09:34am Jul 29, 2002 EST (#3336
of 3339)
Sometime, after 8:08 pm yesterday, and before wrcooper
7/28/02 9:27pm , "wrcooper" removed 22 of his
postings, dating from July 15th (just before my main computer
was knocked down.) I have the postings.
These postings represent serious effort on "wrcooper"'s
part, and are neither casual nor honest.
I think most reasonable people reading these postings (and
the way they associate in logic and time with Mazza's) -- and
looking at the great efforts in them to defame me, and to
defend and even glorfy George Johnson - would conclude what
I've concluded.
I conclude that there is a very high likelyhood - not far
short of a certainty - that wrcooper, kalter.rauch, mazza, and
dirac are pseudonyms for George Johnson.
I believe that, because of postings on this thread since
September 2000, especially those just deleted, and also
because of very extensive private correspondence supporting
the same inference.
For a lot of reasons, that inference should be
checked. It can be.
I have the postings, and am looking at them.
This is a serious matter, and I'm dealing with it
- 11:40am Jul 29, 2002 EST (#3337
of 3339)
- 11:59am Jul 29, 2002 EST (#3338
of 3339) "Quae cum ita sunt" Caesar's Gallic
The real question is whether RShowalter=RShow55=RShowalt!
is the multiple personality?
Maybe a mythology has been created by Robert and his
sidechic= lchic.
(1 following message)
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Missile Defense