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(3313 previous messages)
- 12:58pm Jul 26, 2002 EST (#3314
of 3327)
Protecting Capitalism From Itself
is one example, of a series, of the NYT exercising responsible
judgement and power.
1188 rshow55
4/8/02 5:39pm
1189 rshow55
4/8/02 5:42pm sets out some public advice I heard from a
senior official, years ago:
" In this town, some think that it is all
right to do anything that isn't specifically prohibited. But
it isn't that easy. There is one standard, one test, that
has to apply, to be effective in this town. You have to ask,
of whatever you're going to do . . . .
" What would this look like, and how would
it be judged, if it was written up, in detail, in THE NEW
YORK TIMES? ( I noticed that, though we were in DC, the
TIMES was the paper chosen.) "
The NYT commands power and respect that's been well earned,
over a long time. And is being well earned today.
I sometimes think I've put the NYT in an unreasonably
awkward position. But I've done the best I can, under awkward
circumstances. Subject to constraints that I've only felt able
to disclose slowly, as the logic of the situation has forced
the disclosures.
When a person I had reason to believe was a NYT reporter,
and who implied as much repeatedly if tangentially, spent a
long time "debriefing me," over email, giving me reason to
believe that he was in contact with CIA, and without giving
his name, I was put, and that reporter was put, in an awkward
postion. Based on my constraints, I was as open and
forthcoming as I could be. The process took months.
My situation hasn't been easy to sort out -- and it has
involved some difficulties and injustices, it seems to me,
from a number of points of view. I've tried to act in good
faith. Often, even when I've felt reason to doubt it, I'm sure
others have, as well. No doubt I've made some misjudgements.
Perhaps some others have done so sometimes, as well.
I thought I would be able to sort the situation out cleanly
in September 2000, and it didn't turn out that way. Maybe, if
Casey were looking down, he'd say that things have gone
ideally. Me, I was hoping for better luck.
But maybe some information in the national interest is
coming out, in ways where it can actually do some good. I
think Casey would have approved of the work I've done -- and
praised lchic to the skies. And, knowing the old
pirate, laughed at some of my discomforts.
- 03:41pm Jul 26, 2002 EST (#3315
of 3327)
Issues explained -,6729,184781,00.html
Placing 'issues' into 'NYT search' gives topical output.
- 07:09pm Jul 26, 2002 EST (#3316
of 3327)
I looked a while ago, and was glad and grateful to see the
board directory link connected back to MD3277rshowalt
7/24/02 4:53pm . There are some things I'd like to get
settled with Mazza-Cooper-Dirac- - who I believe to be the
same person - George Johnson. Things that could be checked,
that I believe should be. I stand by what I said in
MD3276 wrcooper
7/24/02 4:07pm raises what I think is a most unfortunate
point- simply dismissing me as insane -- but does raise points
I should address.
"I heard that you have finally gotten a
hearing, and that your theory was rejected. I heard that you
have delivered your paper at at least one conference.
I've gotten a number of hearings, most in the last three
years open-minded and generally favorable. A paper I submitted
to NATURE as rejected without comment to me. The paper lacked
data. I've since gotten data. The theory says that there is a
problem with a computational procedure accounting for
crosseffects, and such an error (which can be very large) is
shown in calculations using a standard engineering program
I've presented my theory at two conferences, and both times
was warmly recieved. At the second of those conferences, I set
up a demonstration so that people could see the result I was
arguing themselves, and a lot of people looked.
At the moment, the major problem I have with my theory, and
with my life more generally, is set out in something I wrote
as a backgrounder to a meeting I had with an officer of the
University of Wisconsin last week. My impression at that
meeting was that the officer didn't think I was necessarily
being unreasonable.
If I was free of security limitations - or
had clear limitations, and that was in writing, or otherwise
clearly checkable then I could interact with people in
workable ways - for collaborations and business
relationships that fit real needs, in real circumstances.
For sorting out my math problem, that's my key difficulty -
has been for a long time, and became an especially (I'd even
say desperately) important barrier after September, 2000 --
where interactions with the NYT that I thought would go very
well backfired very badly, in terms of my own particular
situation. The situation has been intolerably awkward for me,
and not only for me. It has been difficult for other people as
well -- including some people I admire and appreciate very
much at the University of Wisconsin - and also some people who
have been very kind, including some mathematicians, who were
classmates of mine at the Cornell 6-Year Ph.D. program years
Now, Kline and I could be wrong about the math we did
- - and that wouldn't detract from Kline's other achievements,
that will be remembered a very long time, nor would it negate
everything about me. (The math doesn't, for instance, have
anything much to do with the things I say, that I believe can
bear scrutiny, in MD2000 rshow55
5/4/02 10:39am .) All the same, I've found the math
important -- and would stake a good deal on it.
There's been a little discussion of my math work on this
thread - but not too much.
Is the "person I had reason to believe was a NYT reporter"
referred to above rshowalt
7/26/02 12:58pm George Johnson ? Based on what I know,
that's a reasonable inference -- and if NYT people want a
sense of how reasonable, I hve a good deal of material I can
show them.
It seems to me that I've been telling a consistent "story"
about my background and my difficulties - and I've asked to
have it checked. It seems to me that some have taken an
interest - though I may have been wrong.
(11 following messages)
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