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 [F] New York Times on the Web Forums  / Science  /

    Missile Defense

Technology has always found its greatest consumer in a nation's war and defense efforts. Since the last attempts at a "Star Wars" defense system, has technology changed considerably enough to make the latest Missile Defense initiatives more successful? Can such an application of science be successful? Is a militarized space inevitable, necessary or impossible?

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mazza9 - 01:35pm Jul 24, 2002 EST (#3270 of 3327)
"Quae cum ita sunt" Caesar's Gallic Commentaries

wrcooper: Puhlese! Lenny Massa got me into more trouble because he always gave my name when he was caught in the act. Lenny Massa may be WRcooper, Kalter, et al but it ain't me.

Don't expect any answer from this latest incarnation of Tobert Showalter. He's as evasive as one can get and I suspect that his "long windedness" is a symptom of his incapacity.

rshowalt - 01:56pm Jul 24, 2002 EST (#3271 of 3327)

MD3217 rshowalt 7/21/02 11:03am suggests a way of checking.

wrcooper - 02:09pm Jul 24, 2002 EST (#3272 of 3327)

In re:   rshowalt (# 3271 )

MD3217 rshowalt 7/21/02 11:03am suggests a way of checking.
You're putting the cart before the horse. You claim to have sound reasons for thinking that I and several other posters on this board are one and the same person. What reasons do you have for making this allegation? What have you "checked" to come to this conclusion?

I am quite sure that kalter and I have different views on this subject. Lou Massa and I don't view it the same, either. Since we have different viewpoints on the matter, our writing styles differ, etc., what is your justification for saying that we're the same person?

You blather on endlessly about the importance of checking. What did you check before you came forward with your allegation? How did you arrive at it? Cite specific posts of ours that you diligently and meticulously compared and contrasted in which you found "evidence" for your charge. Produce the evidence, great and worthy checkmeister that you are.

I am not about to give out my private phone number to a person I think is unbalanced and paranoid, namely you, so you can stop offering up, at least to me, your plan of conducting a group telephone conference, so that we can prove we're separate people. I won't do that. Anyway, if we really are part of a government conspiracy to hound and dismay you on the NYT forums, we could easily arrange to fake such a conference, using other people as dummy stand-ins. It wouldn't prove anything. No, I'm much more interested in hearing your justification for claiming we're the same person. That shoudl be entertaining, at least.

lchic - 03:32pm Jul 24, 2002 EST (#3273 of 3327)

George Johnson's style monikers have this in common: 'interest in the periferal', little contribution to the board re inputs, and the nature of the beast (so to speak) shines through - most often via negative twaddle!

|> Good Morning & Out!

wrcooper - 03:41pm Jul 24, 2002 EST (#3274 of 3327)

lchic 7/24/02 3:32pm

I personally have posted on-topic many times here. You can CHECK that if you like by doing a search.

So, your reason for agreeing with our resident obsessive-compulsive hypergraphologist that I'm one and the same with Messrs. Massa-Johnson-Rauch is that I post off topic? Go back and look. I used to post about the BMD debate, but got turned off by Showalter's and your lengthy repetitious verbal vomitings. For someone who slavishly dogs Bob's lead in insisting on careful checking, your reasons for seconding his paranoid allegation are extraordinarly thin. But that's the nature of paranoiacs. They see conspiracies and plots and evil doings at every turn.

You're pathetic.

rshowalt - 03:44pm Jul 24, 2002 EST (#3275 of 3327)

I'm taking a little time to enjoy the market move up just now. rshowalt 7/24/02 12:26pm

But I did a little searching, and noticed that the issue of George Johnson working (as a hack) behind a lot of pseudonyms has been an issue raised on this thread, by me and by lchic more than 40 times since Mar 29, 2001 EST #1742 -- and in other forums, for years before. An issue raised enough times, in enough ways it seems to me, that if Johnson wanted the issue resolved, he could surely have found an effective way to establish the truth - unless it happened to be against him. (For instance - by emailing me with a denial, and a proposal with a way to check - subject to embarrassments and penalties.) If I owe George Johnson, or you, and apology, and that becomes clear, you'll get the apology.

Maybe I'm wrong about you, Cooper. Don't deny that possibility. But perhaps, if you object to my proposal for checking, the proposal can be modified, perhaps at a little cost to me (there's a good deal involved for me, on a number of issues) so that you don't have to turn over your number to me -- but can to someone with some independence and stature.

I think lchic has stature, for the purposes here. She's too much of a crafstman to lie about something like this. And I bet if she sets out to do a competent job of recording a conversation, and asking key questions, she can.

"Cooper", I'll respond more to your question. There's a lot I can say that can be checked. But I want, just now, to do some other things, and enjoy the market move. rshowalt 7/24/02 12:26pm

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