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(3186 previous messages)
- 06:56pm Jul 20, 2002 EST (#3187
of 3327)
7/18/02 5:26pm asked a very good question, with a lot
behind it, and lchic
7/20/02 4:04pm is a brilliant response -- with a fine
short summary, to wit:
"{{{{{{{{{ Silence is a tax exemption }}}}}}}}} "
When I talked seriously to a very good, very senior "peace
activist" I was appalled at how enormously restricted
his ability to function (and raise money) was because of
restrictions that go with tax exemptions.
I've never taken tax exempt money, and hope never to have
The "advantage" of tax exemption carries such an enormous
cost -- that it doesn't seem worth it. I, Robert Showalter,
have moral and public interest concerns, but I am attempting
to make a profit. (If I'm a non-profit enterprise - that's not
the way I planned it - - - its just the way, so far, it is
working out. )
MD3158-62 rshowalt
7/19/02 10:34am
Looking at
America the Invulnerable? The World Looks Again by
The Global Cost of Crony Capitalism By DAVID E.
I wondered what Eisenhower, or either President Roosevelt
would want to say?
This is what we fought the Cold War for?
Some things bear repeating. The concerns set out in
Eisenhower's FAREWELL ADDRESS of January 17, 1961
are concerns that ought to be repeated, again and again.
Americans don't want to hear those concerns. But they should.
The very worst things that Eisenhower warned against have
happened. Americans, and concerned people all over the world,
have very practical interests in getting some records and
facts straight, and getting some things fixed.
It is not a good time for "joking." Things are too serious.
But on the other hand, maybe jokes are just what is needed
MD3111 rshow55
7/17/02 8:39am
Jokes that stick and burn.
. . .
For very little money (not tax exempt) a lot could
be shown about how far things have gotten out of balance. This
thread, I believe, has had a largish "bang for the buck."
Perhaps, sometimes, finding the truth ought to be done in a
way that isn't subsidized by a government tax exemption - and
the restrictions that go with it.
- 08:25pm Jul 20, 2002 EST (#3188
of 3327)
Partly, but only partly because the Science in the
News thread is being rebooted, I want to post this:
MD506 rshow55
3/13/02 11:28pm
MD130 rshow55 3/2/02 6:59pm rshow55
3/2/02 7:59pm
On soldiers and responsibility: rshowalter
"Science in the News" 8/29/00 7:26am ... rshowalter
"Science in the News" 8/29/00 7:27am
THE 'EATHEN by Rudyard Kipling rshowalter
"Science in the News" 8/29/00 7:56am ...rshowalter
"Science in the News" 8/29/00 8:00am ... rshowalter
"Science in the News" 8/29/00 8:01am
"Science in the News" 8/29/00 8:03am
More Kipling: Mesopotamia .....1917
Soldier an' Sailor Too
And ESPECIALLY - with respect to issues of "paradigm
conflict" and "connecting the dots" Our Fathers of Old
Our Fathers of Old
Our Fathers of Old
People's head get full of "explanations" -- and have since
history began. But are these "explanations" good ones?
Erica Goode's IDEAS AND TRENDS piece Hey, What if
Contestants Give Each Other Shocks? deals with issues of
concern to most people I know, and shows a case where
scientific information can give evidence on an issue about
humanity, and one particularly troubling. During WWII, what
did the Germans know, and when did they know it?
I key the argument to a great Rudyard Kipling poem - The
'eathen rshowalter
"Science in the News" 8/29/00 7:56am
and ended with a discussion of military and civilian
responsibility and knowledge, keyed to the Germans, th at I
was proud to write. rshowalter
"Science in the News" 8/29/00 8:03am
Shortly afterward, there followed posts, written indirectly
but usefully for their purpose, that meant a great deal to me,
and were of practical help, in a circumstance where my
humanity had been called into question.
507 lchic
3/13/02 11:29pm ... 508 rshow55
3/13/02 11:33pm
509 rshow55
3/13/02 11:35pm ... b 510 almarst-2001
3/13/02 11:39pm
. . .
We have some questions to ask. And things to fix.
(139 following messages)
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Missile Defense