New York Times on the Web Forums
Technology has always found its greatest consumer in a
nation's war and defense efforts. Since the last attempts at a
"Star Wars" defense system, has technology changed
considerably enough to make the latest Missile Defense
initiatives more successful? Can such an application of
science be successful? Is a militarized space inevitable,
necessary or impossible?
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(3170 previous messages)
- 07:53pm Jul 19, 2002 EST (#3171
of 3327)
Elements of hope here.
Bush Tells Arab Ministers U.S. Wants Mideast Peace
Arab leaders know there has to be some change on their
side. The worst doesn't always happen.
For all sorts of reasons, almost every nation in the world
wants to work with the United States. And work with the
President of the United States.
I find myself hopeful, but tired. Working on getting a disk
out to some key people MD3155 rshowalt
7/19/02 9:16am
There are things, including simple things, that need to be
checked, and can be.
Back tomorrow.
- 12:38am Jul 20, 2002 EST (#3172
of 3327)
On the day after the present day; on the next day; on the
morrow. It is the morrow!
- 02:19am Jul 20, 2002 EST (#3173
of 3327)
"" widespread poverty in villages with "nothing to show for
over 30 years of the company's existence (Nigeria - Chevron
Texaco) .... The 10-day takeover trapped an initial 700
American, Canadian, British and Nigerian oil workers inside
the southeastern Nigerian terminal.
About 200 of them were allowed to leave on Sunday, and
hundreds more departed in a ferry Tuesday morning, leaving
just a few dozen trapped inside, protesters said.
After the verbal agreement was reached with the company
Monday, the women permitted ChevronTexaco employees back
into the facility's control room so they could load two
tankers with offshore oil
[ Oil replaced horse-power ... now wimmin hold the reigns
.... didn't see this via regular press this week - whyNOTso? ]
- 02:30am Jul 20, 2002 EST (#3174
of 3327)
- 03:42am Jul 20, 2002 EST (#3175
of 3327) Earth vs <^> <^> <^>
7/19/02 1:04pm
Are you with "The Shop"???
How come you're going on about archiving when THIS Forum
has so far remained UNTOUCHED by The Great Purge which about
to befall other venues???
- 04:05am Jul 20, 2002 EST (#3176
of 3327) Earth vs <^> <^> <^>
It's too late for you and your 5th column saboteurs. Even
if you and your "friends" enroll in an Al Quaida sponsored
flying school, you'll never catch THIS!!!
- 07:52am Jul 20, 2002 EST (#3177
of 3327)
'The Great Purge' .... sounds rev-ablutionary! Mainly a
numbers game.
Read the Boeing media release re - testing phase ... can
missiles really spot an 'enemy' - wouldn't the enemy be just
too cute? ... sounds as if the missiles go ballistic ... the
real question is - WHY ARE THEY USED ... the answer being ...
because as yet people are not assisted through conflict via
peaceful means.
An interesting thing i've noted about Americans generally
is this, they are very very very concerned about the couple of
thousand who expired 9/11 but don't give a damn about the
thousands they're killing. Don't give a damn about the
innocents locked up in camp x-ray. Haven't understood a thing
about their foreign policy over the past half century.
Re this thread - try reading it - then scratch around and
put up the stats regarding hits and usage of it - would be
interesting to see.
Hip-pocket Nerve
Here's the Op-Ed article
"" "It's Forrest Gump does finance," says Charles Lewis,
the center's founder, in looking at the story line of the
remarkable George W. Bush business career. "Every time he
seemed to be in trouble, he would end up with a box of
- 08:42am Jul 20, 2002 EST (#3178
of 3327)
First Casualty of War...? by Shirley Dent
- 03:33pm Jul 20, 2002 EST (#3179
of 3327)
The east London council of Tower Hamlets, one of the
poorest boroughs in the UK, is considering a proposal to twin
itself with the Israeli-occupied Palestinian town of Jenin as
an act of political solidarity.
(148 following messages)
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Missile Defense